About Triton 2+ and 3+

A few questions, any feedback would help me at this point

I'm looking for a pair of Goldenear Triton 2+ or 3+ (which would be better in a 20 x 20 room, is bigger better?)
My thinking is that buying used would be OK because audiophiles are more likely to take good care of them?
Assuming I went with used, where's the best place to look for them?

Thanks - rev
I sold a pair of the Triton Ones here for I believe $2200. The guy that bought them had Triton Twos+.  He said the Ones are far superior. Between the 2+ and 3+, go with the former.  The bass response will be much better.  With patience, you can find them here.  I usually see a pair or two for sale almost monthly here.