Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above

Two different animals, I know. I’ve read some pretty decent reviews on the Sota’s with the vacuum option and intrigued. We’re always looking for that little extra something, something. I’m interested in retrieving a bit more detail and upping the sound stage. 
Maybe this would be a lateral move? Maybe I should change my cart? Something else? Be happy and spin vinyl? Thanks for your feedback. 
Technics 1200G
Ortofon Cadenza Black
Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp
Audible Illusions L2 Line Stage
Levinson 532-H
B&W 803 D2 speakers
AQ McKenzie interconnects for phono

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My experience has been that upgrades beyond that of an SL1200G or in my case GAE are possible, but the increments are disproportionate to cost.  I have a VPI HW-40, and yes it sounds better but only a little bit better.  Hard to justify the cost delta.  I am sure the same would be true for the Sota.  I agree with those who have suggested better cartridges and better arms.  Start with cartridges. 
Arm and Cartridge needs changed if want to keep the DD table, I replaced my 1200G twice with Garrard 301 and/or Thorens TD124.  The Technics is a easy table to live with but switching over to the Idler drive tables was instant increase in dynamics and musicality.  To answer your question on the Sota it is and will sound better than the Technics with that stock arm.

Good luck!
Classic idler like 301 are beautiful indeed, but “musicality” is subjective. 

For better “dynamics” we need a high efficient speakers. 

Turntable drive function is to spin your record on a constant speed. 

Not everyone has an extraordinary hearing ability, especially at certain age.