How close preamp and CD player

Rearranging rack and want to know how far to separate ARC CD3 and ARC LS25 mk2. Amp is 4 - 5 feet away. Thanks.
CD players and D/A converters put out a large electromechical field, mostly in a vertical manner, that can interact with other components. I would recommend putting the preamp to the side of the CD player rather than directly above or below.
>>CD players and D/A converters put out a large electromechical field, mostly in a vertical manner, that can interact with other components<<

If the cd player (or transport or d/a) is well engineered and built, which includes proper shielding, proximity to other components should not be an issue.
I'm sorry; I meant to say "electromagnetic" field. DACs are especially notorious for emitting a large electromagnetic field that interacts with other components that are nearby; the electromagnetic field usually proceeds more in a vertical manner rather than in a horizonical manner so it affects components that are either directly above or below the DAC. If you don't believe me try taking a transistor radio that is pulling in a strong station to within a few feet of a DAC or CD player and see what happens. I've heard the improvement in sound by moving DACs and CD players well away from other components.