Which amp would you choose and why - Pass Labs XA-25 or First Watt F8?

I'm very interested in Nelson designs and hope to upgrade to his low watt offerings for a smaller room I have. Does anyone have experience with the Pass Labs XA-25 and First Watt F8 amps? Both are rated at 25W. What main differences do they have? Which one has better bass?

Preamp: Cary Audio SLP98
Speakers: Tannoy XT8F (91db efficient)

i wished it did too but i was able to use the balanced outs on my preamp and balanced cables by using a neutrik xlr to rca adaptor at the amp.  
sounds better than using rca to rca.  

Have you tried just using single ended preamp outs? I would be shocked if using the balanced out and converting to single ended would sound better than just using single ended. Pass is one of the greatest amp designers of all time. If he wanted to use balanced input they would be there.

i live 25mins from Pass Labs. Have been there a few times and given a tour and education at the same time. Great people, even meet the man.  i am a Pass Labs dude!  the 25 will have more bass control with your speakers.  the F8 is their version of a solid state tube amp. that said, the only way to really know is to listen to both of them
Forget about power for a moment. XA25 is a normal pass amp. If you like pass sound (smoothened out, clean, safe & a bit boring), get XA. If you are looking for something raw and true to source, get Firstwatt. It should satisfy your speaker's hunger though. Look for a J2 as well
I own both. The XA-25 will play a bit louder and more dynamic than the F-8. I listen to the F-8 religiously acct. it sounds more musical, sweeter & more accurate than the XA-25. Plus it is a more intimate sound. All my listening is thru LS 3/5A speakers. I own many low watt tube amps and I still listen to the F-8 above all of the these.