NO listening sessions posible , bookshelf for a Raven Nighthawk

I have never listening to tube gear until I recently heard a prima Luna  pre amp  hooked to a McIntosh  Mc.252 amplifier ,  I like the sound much better than the same set up with  a ss  McIntosh pream.  ( C42) . So now I  would like to buy a  Raven Nighthawk III integrated amplifier  to use  it  at my office , the space is  3.5  x  4.5 mts,  with a  bookshelf full of books on the back wall . The music I like is  mostly classical and  Jazz , I am looking for non fatiguing sound , warm and not to analytic.  Life is full of compromises  and  unfortunately there is no hifi dealers nearby and  I cannot spent a lot of time looking for  “perfect sound,".  Given that  I need a good pair of bookshelf speakers with sensitivity of  at least 88 db  that  matches the amp.  Budget  around $4.000,  with not only SQ but an appearance to mach  and reliability  .  So far I have on my list :  Tannoy mini anniversary .  Triangle  comete 40 th anniversary ,  Omega  super alnico monitor,  Fritz carrera Be ,  Sonus Faber sonetto II  ; Salk Silk AT monitors  and  Exotica monitor  ( humm  too expensive but gorgeous ),  I am open to more suggestions,  would you help me with  your advice   ?  
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I also have to put speakers on a book shelf, I went with Harbeth for the front port and very neutral sound. A bit boring to look at however. KEF would be another good choice which I have owned. I have heard the Sonus Faber and liked it quite a bit., including the looks. It would help to know what you have now and how they sound to you.
In a small space like that ,why do you think you need speakers with an 88 db sensitivity? There are so many other options with less sensitive bookshelf type speakers. You should look into a LS3/5A type of speaker. There are many brands to choose from. Spendor, Harbeth, Falcon, Stirling and Graham all make this type of speaker!
Although the Quad Z-1 only have a sensitivity of 86 Quad make a great speaker. I had the S-5 and the imaging was the best of any speaker I have ever owned  Loved the wood finish , much more pleasing than my current Focals.  Wish I had never sold them and if I can find another pair in good shape I will buy them on the spot.
Totem also make the Signature One that has a beautiful finish, is well regarded and comes in just shy of 88db.