The value of embellishment?

Does adding a leather veneer to a $4K more than double  value?

Couldn't resist asking the question. The claimed sonic improvements:
"The effect of the leather skin and hardened stainless steel is a sonic upgrade over a stock Prime, in terms of detail, bass extension, air, and resolution." Interesting. I thought it was arm/cart for the most part.  I hear all those descriptors with my VPI. You get more.....uh, okay.

I have leather faced speakers-it  works for the aesthetic. On the VPI- subjective like everything, but on a turntable plinth?
The footers look corny. This stuff is subjective of course, but it sure looks...

Not bashing VPI-I use one, and enjoy it for what it is.   I'd love to own a HW40. No leather though, thanks.
"Love the way Jesse Ed burns it up!
The real gem on that LP is, Jamaica Say You Will…"

oregon - Yes! I like the entire album. I go on binges of forgotten music. 
J.B, then spin off with his supporting cast. David Lindley fan here!
"For Everyman"  gets a thumbs up too.

I like to steal Jesse's licks while fumbling on my geetar. I keep a LP and Fender in the room.
Now a David Lindley edition turntable could make some garish but interesting aesthetic hay… One of his subtle shirts for speaker grilles perhaps…..

Take it Easy…..Chinese edition.
Never heard the MOFI tables, but I've got to admit the new "Fender Sunburst" embellishment is pretty freakin' sweet looking! Cheers,
"Now a David Lindley edition turntable could make some garish but interesting aesthetc"

tomic601-Perhaps a hybrid cross-Lindley's mop/Thing from the Adams family?

sbank-I like the "burst"! I think they're on to something with that finish.
Offered at the Ultradeck price even better. Upcharge for what you're actually getting kinda steep.

UltraDeck fun table for the price. Me thinks you're just getting a veneer.
Had the opportunity to take one for a spin when it was introduced.