DCM Time Windows - What Next?

So after a couple decades of ownership (~1975 original build iirc) one of my beloved Time Window towers has blown a woofer. Looking for recommendations on options to consider to replace these. Don't really have a preference between new/used but likely my ears will appreciate something with a similar soundstage and tonal balance. Budget under 3k.

They're a classic.  Why not do a little research, find out what exact driver you can source to replace the woofer, and then replace the woofers in both units at the same time?  There are lots of DCM enthusiasts out there.
jakelight, you should go to a Best Buy Magnolia and listen. They have a lot of speakers there in your price range.
I had a pair way back when.  They sounded good and weren't fussy about electronics.  My advice is to call JR research and ask them to source a new woofer for you.  Keep them if you like them.  Nothing wrong with listening to new stuff, but the more you open the window, the more crap flies in. 
Cool - really appreciate the feedback! I suppose this could be the time to cannibalize my DCM Cinemascape center (that is rarely used...) which allegedly has similar speakers in it. Size certainly matches up and I know there is definitely a working tweeter and woofer in that enclosure...
I've already done surgery on this same tower speaker about a year ago when it was knocked down by an over-achieving cat which broke loose one of the wires in the tweeter signal chain so I already have a removable access panel cut on the back. The bolts to remove the end caps didn't exist until the 1a series iirc so I had to cut in through the back.

I guess when I opened this thread what I was hoping for was some recommendations on alternatives that might offer a similar sound profile, but I also appreciate the 'if it ain't broke...don't fix it' (well...except that is is broke...(-;) approach some of you are recommending. But I also understand that speakers are so personal that until you put your ears on them you never really know.
So specific to the bipedal design of the TW's with the angled front with mirrored tweeter/woofer to each side is there anything else that has a similar design - I'm not even sure if there is a specific terminology to describe that layout I can use in a search.