You do realize most of us have had, or have heard full range drivers, right?
Then why so seldom mention around here??
btw I do not like the looks of that Wide band construction.
Also note, why high SPL???
I never got high spl as something necessary for music.
I listen low/mid vol, maybe 65 spl. Very near field listening, 8 feet.
Most of the xover low sens groupies have not heard AER and Voxativ.
If you did, there would be more talk about both.
The most popular WBer is the Tang band, as readily avaliable at Parts Express.
TB 1808
and what I think is their best the 2145
I don't think, Mark Audio holds up against the Tang band and DavidLouis
So far I'm the only one here who actually heard the TB2145 and even moreso, None of you've heard, nor are aware it even EXISTS
The davidLouis VX8.
My posts are EDU 101 in WBers performance results vs your convention xover types.
I think its clear the shootout went very well for the WBers.
Lousey for the xover type.
Thors at $2K + my upgardes $1200+, vs a $550 WBer.