Still happily using vintage gear?

I was sitting listening to my main system consisting of an Audio Research SP8 preamp, NYAL Moscode 600 Maxi, Vandersteen 5 speakers, Thorens TD126MkIII with Sumiko Blue Point, VPI HW16, and was completely satisfied, again, with the experience. (Kimber 12TC, Morrow, Straightwire, AQ and Furman accessories)
All the equipment has been well cared for and kept in good repair: caps replaced, TT overhauled etc.
But it has an average age of about 30 years!
I love reading about all the latest gear, and lust after some of it dearly, but... I'm satisfied with what I have.
I'm playing with digital and having my fun with that, but I was wondering:
Is anyone else still happy with equipment that is now considered "vintage"?
(I don't think of it as "vintage", I just think of it as long-lasting!)
So... what's the oldest piece in your rig?
Mine is the Moscode. 40 years young.

I run a mid 90's rig consisting of a Krell KSA 300S, KRC2 preamp, KPE phono, Krell 250/2 CD player, Denon DP 47F turntable, and Thiel CS6 speakers. I also have a Teac X1000R-BL R2R and a Nakamichi 505 Cassette deck. I have relatively modern CD and SACD players plus a couple external DACS and a Hana cartridge but the core of my system has been the same for 30+ years. I bought the Thiel speakers a few years ago from an audio buddy (it was a perfect match for my Krell amp). Before that I was running Mirage M3si's.

I attended AXPONA in 2017 to see how great the new gear was. I expected to be blown away by the new stuff, especially the ultra expensive gear, but I was happily surprised. It turns out that my rig is competitive in SQ with pretty much all but the most expensive systems at the show. I remember listening to a particularly impressive sounding six-figure room featuring big YG speakers and thinking, "Gee, that sounds alot like my system." Many rooms had cables and cords that cost more than my entire rig but I would put my system up against them any day.

Three rooms stood out - the million dollar room featuring Von Schweikert Ultra 11 speakers and VAC electronics, the MBL room with 101 E Extreme speakers, and the Sonus Faber room featuring Aida II speakers and D'Agostino amplification. These three systems were a significant step above mine and if I had the money I would love to own them. There were a few other ultra expensive rooms that just didn't do it for me. I genuinely thought my system sounded better.

I feel very fortunate to have selected the gear that I've assembled. I'm in a position where I could afford to upgrade but without spending six figures+ I'm not sure I would be happy with the result. Many times when I listen to my system (especially on a good recording) and I hear something that I never noticed before, I sit there smiling and shaking my head because it sounds so good.
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Pair of AR9lsi pushed by Perreaux PMF2150B/SM2 and an old Hafler setup w/ DH110, DH500 driving a pair of Mission 707se and a DH120 driving a STAX headphone.
I have two McIntosh MC30s circa 1957, paired with an MX110Z early 1960’s. I am in love with the sound and will probably never part with them. This is my vintage system. I have a main system which is more current and an office system anchored by a 1960 MC240. I love he sound and looks of all of these. Life is good. 
My system is mostly new except my sole source, a beautifully restored Woodsong Garrard 301. I searched for many years for a good used restored 301 and finally found one. Not only it is at the center of my system, after getting it I upgraded my entire system to match the quality and beauty. I think the original 301 is about 60+ years young. Still competes with the best. And I still long for the sound of my Quad 57s. I lived joyfully with them for 10 years. Ultimately decided I needed more dynamics, bass and treble. But the 57’s midrange can still be compared to the best. After all, most of the music is in the middle.
Surprised more folks have not mentioned 57s.