RME ADI-2 fs DAC: Not Loving It

I took the plunge about 6 months ago and replaced my Peachtree DACiTx with ADI-2.  I got the DACiTx to play files via computer and from my old but beloved JVC XL-Z1050 CDP.  

Can't say that I've noticed a marked improvement using the RME over the Peachtree. 

I picked the RME because of the glowing reviews and the fact that it had DSP.  I'm 61 yrs. old and last time I had my ears checked I haven't really lost much in the high freq's. But, I thought that it was inevitable that I would and the EQ that RME has may be a bonus.

In reality, it is not very user friendly and I'm no techie.  I thought by playing with it for a while it would get easier but really all I want to do is listen to music.

I'm no longer using a computer but a Bluesound Node 2i for my files and also use Tidal.

Not really a headphone guy but thought it would be nice to have the option seeing that neither of my preamps have a headphone jack.  I was only using my headphones with portable devices.  

I have mostly listened to vinyl over the years but really wanted to upgrade my digital front end as I'm getting lazy in my old age. 

The rest of my system :

Classe CP-50
Rogue Audio Model 99 Magnum

Power Amps:
McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe Edition 
Black Ice Audio Fusion 3502P

ACI Titan II LE subwoofer

Still using the JVC as a CD transport.   
I usually mix and match tubes with solid state.  Right now I'm using the Classe Pre with Black Ice Audio tubed power amp.

The RME sounds rather neutral, lean and dry to my ears.  Nothing exciting.  It doesn't make me sit up and take notice like when I first added the Peachtree to my system.  I was like wow! This is what I been missing all these years.  So, I thought the RME would be a significant upgrade over the Peachtree.  So far, not impressed.  Maybe if I was headphone guy?  Can't comment there other than both headphone outputs work.  

Any suggestions on what to try or what direction I should take next? 
@ paulcreed

I haven’t tried the NOS filter yet. I’ll give that some listening time today. I listened a good while yesterday using the Sharp filter.

And yes I leave it powered on 24/7.
Yesterday I hooked up my old Peachtree DaciTx using a fiber optic cable from the Bluenode.  

I also kept the RME connected to the Bluenode with Coax. 

This was the best and easiest way for me to do some comparisons without having to disconnect anything.  I just have to switch inputs on my remote while music is playing on the node.

Yes, I know, fiber optic to digital coax.  Apples to Oranges?  

What I'll do sometime today is reverse these connections putting the fiber optic cable to the RME and the coax to the Peachtree so that both dac's get equal time with each different input cable.  

After listening at least a few hours yesterday switching back and fourth between the two the difference was practically negligible.  I actually felt that I was leaning towards the sound  of the Peachtree.  Yes, different dac chip (Sabre). 

It appeared that the center image was slightly bigger and more fleshed out.  More like there was a real person singing as opposed to an image of one.  I'm not saying that's how good my system or this dac is, it's just an exaggerated way to describe what I'm hearing.  The whole soundstage sounds a little bigger as well or it appears to.  The Rme sounded to my ears more digital and Peachtree more analog.  And again, that description is just the best way I have to describe the differences I've noted so far.  I do not mean to imply that the Peachtree sounds like good analog.

Before I do that cable swap I will listen again with the ADI's filter set to NOS to see if can hear a slight difference.  My understanding is that these filter have minimal effect on the sound.  So far, going from sd sharp to sharp was just that.  

One last  thing, the output rca cables from each unit are dh labs silver sonic BL-1's. So those are the same.
Nick, you may want to watch the video’s on how to operate the RME, that are produced by RME, there are maybe 5 or 6 of them. I have never looked at the book I learned everything from video’s, watched each one a few times. You may have adjusted something and not known it with the remote. 
With your image problem there are balance adjustments on the remote they could be out of wack. Bass and treble adjustments on remote could have been altered, EQ could be on and not know it. Do you know how to look at display and see what has been adjusted if any.

 I have a huge life like imaging going on with the RME, big bass and smooth treble, I do have the Teddy Purdue power supply but I don’t think it makes that huge of a difference, it’s noticeable but not drastic. 
I also have the MHDT Orchid with 6922 and 6sn7 adapters with some very nice tubes and find it can’t keep up with the RME with complex music. It does image a little better and is more relaxed but I spend more time listening to the RME, but I do very much enjoy the Orchid. Some of the things you describe am am not experiencing. Ever since I had RME set up I haven’t touched it in months. I will have to go back to video’s to remember how to adjust it again.
I went into the RME to change the filter to NOS to give it a try. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to listen to it today though. I was in the settings and had the EQ off. Bass and treble at 0. I could have something else not set right. I may have to just reset the unit and just change the filter setting to NOS.
Hi, please bypass the preamp. Tell us what happens. 

I have Ave the older version RME with AKM chip.  Also running very sensitive tube momoblock amps. Used to own the McCormack DNA-2 deluxe Rev. A with carbon wiring. 

 My system is very sensitive to changes. The RME is a major player and runs direct to the tube amp monoblocks with no preamp. Volume is handled by the RME.

Also now running the RME on batter power and in my system that was a nice bump. 

Bottom line, get the preamp out of the way. Let us know. If you are unsure about settings, just do a reset.

Lets see what happens.