Schiit Freya plus preamp , very impressive preamps?

I am orinally looking for a tube preamps my budget is 2k. On this price most of the preamps with balance output cost at least 4K and more.So I decided to audition the Freya, it has balance input and output ,even with the stock JJ 6sn7 is already good. My friend told me also Aric Audio can make me a costumize balance preamps. But it might double the price of Freya.
What I like about this Freya it’s using tube 6sn7 where I can do tube rolling ,large collections of this tubes to chose from.

In a holding pattern with Freya+ myself for 2 years now. For all the reasons cited plus the incredible functionality, so many inputs. We know going in the SQ can't achieve the bloom and detail of $5k+ tube preamps. (Not to mention soundstage, which my room can never maximize anyhow). For this versatility plus the SQ improvement you need at least Rogue RP-7.