If there’s an audiophile exit ramp, this ain’t it…

Audiogon and the audio press, I mean. I finally have the system I was aiming for and had imagined for my future, as conjured from the cryptic pages of stereophile etc. — incredible transparency, scale, and ‘realness’ — but whenever I’m drawn to these sites/pages, as I have been for two years, I am confronted again with doubt and a vague longing for ‘perfection’ in a new purchase. I just want to enjoy the music.

Im ready for the audiophile exit ramp, and this ain’t it…
It's just the OCD kickin'. Drink a glass of good water, put on a pair of good muffs and walk it off.. When you come back, take off the muffs and it's like new again.. :-)

Besides at least you have something to show for your money, not QUITE like gambling, drinkin or druggin', that's all gone in a "Flush" so to speak..

Time for a DIY or two, I'd say..

It’s the OCD that’s gotten me this far this fast.  I’ve been hustling audio daily for about 2 years now.
What would I make?  I’ve soldered exactly one time in the past 20 years…
Stop listening to your monkey brain. Sit back, close your eyes and go with the flow!
Solder slinging as therapy.....nice.  It could work.  The simple of it is having what you love and loving what you have.  So much of marketing is creation of dissatisfaction with current status and then.....magically providing a consumption solution.

I am in this very moment listening to engrossing musical performances and not equipment.  Not analyzing, tweaking or repositioning.  Just enjoying the fruits of previous labor..  It can be that Zen.  3 hours of perusing uninterrupted the great artists.
Judging by your comments and equipment this has been a pretty quick trip for you. A lot of us have spent fifty years or more getting to our dream systems. Every ones personality is different. So underlying reasons could be different than my guess at them. But clearly you have purchased extraordinary equipment. However, is it possible that it is not engaging? You can get enormous detail and quiet soundstage… etc and still miss on musical engagement. 

Putting together a satisfying system can take a long time and it requires patience and skill. I noticed you called Stereophile cryptic. This means you may not be fully versed in the language and nuances sonic performance and technology.

I recommend getting a copy of Robert Haley’s “The Complete Guide to High End Audio”. Relax, get a cup of coffee, put on some music and read. Don’t be in a hurry. It may help you understand the sonic characteristics that make the components you own so great, and may point to changing setup and other things to get your system to be engaging.

When I sit down in front of my system, I get captivated and have a hard time pulling myself away… it evokes an emotional connection in me. It has taken me a very long time to understand the underlying variables that make that possible and incorporate them in my system.