Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x

Hey everyone - looking for some suggestions on speakers.  Just upgraded my amp and DAC to a Luxman 509x and Lumin T2. They’re driving Martin Logan motion 40s so upgrading speakers as well. Room is 14x18’ with the speakers facing the long way. It’s a living room, so am constrained by space and the wife. They will be less than 2’ from the wall and snuggled up next to a wood TV stand in the middle. Towers will be much easier to pull off than something very wide.  Wood floors but covered by a large rug, L couch, lots of windows, 8’ drywall ceiling and a large bookshelf in the back to give you an idea of acoustics. Listening position about 8-10ft from speakers.  Budget is $5k-$10k. Willing to go used. I mostly listen to rock, folk, country, hip hop and jazz.  Fairly new to the language of hifi, but prefer natural over clinical and a touch of warmth would be nice with the supposedly neutral components in the system. Thanks!
Thanks for the suggestions. Keep’em coming! What’s the take on Harbeth shl5+s for my setup? Seems like some love them and others not so impressed. Thinking I might pick up some boxes and a set of towers used to see what sound I prefer. 
You want to avoid rear port speaker ,plenty of speaker to choose at your budget .
Medium size room also better with 3 way speaker .
Me love Harbeth speaker and lot people love that combination and you should able to get the M40.1 or .2 on used market .
40.1 / 40.2 is too big for the 14’ x 18’ room as they are rather huge and require space from the walls to sound good. SHL5+ fits in rather nicely though.
Avoiding rear port speakers when close to a wall is a wive's tale so to speak. The definition of "close" is probably more the problem. If you have 18 inches behind the speaker you’d be fine and you have 2 feet.
If you read the OP’s post, he is limited to less than 2’ from the wall for placement of speakers. For the SHL5 and SHL5+, they require 2’ to 2.5’ from the wall to sound good. Anything less they sound congested. I suspect the 40.1/40.2 require more space from the wall, minimum 2.5’ ideally close to 3’. You could place them nearer to the walls but you would need room treatment products to compensate, otherwise live with the compromised sound quality.