Blue Dragon and Moon

I'd like to start a discussion about Blue Dragon cables and Moon Audio. Please tell me your experiences and I'll tell you mine

Thanks, Paul
OP, ok now it's your turn

Methinks the OP tricked you into showing yours … 
Post removed 

I know this is an older thread but I feel compelled to share my thoughts about the Blue Dragon PCs.  I bought a pair of them earlier this year.  I gave them ~45 days or so of run in and they just never seemed to float my boat.  I tried one on my DAC (PS Audio DS DAC at the time and Codex recently) and my Zidoo UHD3000 video/multi-channel music streamer.  I even tried one for nearly a month on my Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp.  AT this time I did preamp and DAC and used another cable on the Zidoo.  It just felt like something was 'off'.  But being as this was over a period of about a month and a half, you kind of lose perspective (and time, apparently).  Until you make a change.  And I simply rotated in my existing cables which are Audio Sensibility Testament SEs.  These are similarly priced PCs and also similar in construction (high purity OCC copper).  When I turned everything back on with my AS cables inserted, I immediately said, wow!  That's it.  That's what was missing.  The Blue Dragons are very dull, bloated and rolled off sounding.  And the soundstage is more closed-in as a result.  No clue why there is such a noticeable difference between these two cables.

Moon Audio are also very strict about their return policy.  Hell, I never even asked for my money back.  I offered to 'upgrade' to the Black Dragon if they would allow me to trade in my pair of Blue Dragons.  It was a hard no despite my cables being perfect with all packaging.  A policy is a policy, I guess.  But it's not how I've run my business for 30+ years, so I don't fully understand the mentality.  They could have kept me as a customer.

Anyway, I can't recommend this company's power cables.  You can do far better for right around the same price.  In fact, I have cables that are less expensive which don't ruin the sound like these did (AQ NRG-2s were $100/ea).  I just wanted to try something new.  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...  Live and learn.