Out of Their Wheelhouse Genius

Listening today to The Temptations' Psycedelic Shack reminded how some artists have pushed themselves out of their familiar turf and created fantastic albums in different directions than what drove their success. The result -- more genius!  Classic examples are David Bowie, Joni Mitchell and most obviously, The Beatles. What albums shine for you as inspiring examples of artists reinventing their sound? 

A few of mine:
Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Paul Simon - Graceleand
Rickie Lee Jones - Pop Pop
Jerry Garcia & David Grisman - So What?
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock

@three_easy_payments, great points! But, I still think it's a fun exercise to call out some of those first dips of the toe into freezing water. 
@bdp24 Yeah man, Dylan going electric is a wonderful example that had tremendous impact. Cheers,
Ministry - "Twitch"; going from synth-pop to industrial metal.... And then there is King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, who re-invent their sound with pretty much every album, and often within songs on the same album. And they do it all really well.... 
R.E.M's "Fables of the Reconstruction" was quite a departure from the dreamy jangle pop of 'Murmur' and 'Reckoning,' but it did grew on me. Then they reinvented their sound several more times after that, for better or worse.