SET the best?

Is SET amplification where we should all end up? I keep reading posts where people tell of their journeys from plenty power to micro power, and how amazing SET amplification is 45 set 211 set 845 set otl, and usually, ....with the right speaker. I have yet to read of anyone who has gone the other direction from SET, to High watt beast class A amps or others.
If your speakers can be driven by minimal wattage, is this the most realistic, natural sound we can achieve? versus say, 86db sensitive speakers and a 1000w amp?
Is the end result solely based on speaker pairing? circuit? tubes?

I am in the process of changing my direction in my search for realistic sound, just because, and wondering if this really is the best direction to be going.
From what I have been reading I think it may be.

What do we get with SET? What do we give up?

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oldhvymec3,796 posts09-28-2021 12:47amWow!

I'm not done yet.
Poor  Jadis
Now that the real news is starting to go viral, 
SETs are back as the new high tech WBers are in
Leaves no place for big hefty PP amps..\
Not sure what Jadis was thinking.
They offer maybe 1 set amp. 
The future is 100% SET.
Here is what went down
95%+++ of all USA audiophiles jumped on the 
high impedance/low sens/big box xover types.
You know Wilson's, vandersteens, magnepans, Von Schweigert's, Jadis went where the money is, A-Z big box speakers require PP amps besides the avg USA audiophile loves adores massive soundstage SPL and monsterous size bass slam.
Places SETs at a slight disadvantage
So Jadis knowing what the consumer demands, made all its models PP amplification.

Now with everything headed to SET/high sens speakers.. Jadis is going have serious issues trying to play catchup, when you can get a  great chinese SET for under $3G's. 

Over the comming decades you'll see big PP amps dumped along with big box speakers on the cheap.
SET + high sens speakers will be The Bomb. 
I see Larry is trying to market his PP votes and a  OT amp.

Can't agree
After my experience with a  SET + WBers, sadly my Jadis will collect dust.
I have $2K recent mods done and am not going to sell.
WE need to educate the newbies about SET's as magical magnifience, Pure music, finesse, super high fidelity and lush mids, solid bass, glorious highs.
Sure we are only talking a  miniscule gains in these areas, but its a rather nice modification in fidelity vs a  PP's pure POWER energy.
Also note this 250 tube SET has  bass slam as good, better than  the Defy's 100 pure true watts.
6+6 SET  wattts, = same as Jadis ' 100 true watts.

Go figure..
We need to demystify these SETs, 
there is alotttt of misunderstanding about what these amplifiers are capable of. 

Its all about using the linestage vol control, 
PP amps  make awaeful limitations on how much  gain you can use,, whereas SET's give freedom on the vol pot.

This is what I mean about **only a  nuance,,but a  significant  nuance**

Someone mentioned presence earlier in thread. I started off many years ago with ss, then class A ss, next push pull tube, finally SET tube. My first SET was 845, smitten with sense of presence, could also be called immediacy, right from the beginning. SET brings performers into room like no other topology. Add horns to the mix and this sense further heightened.
Also, modern sounding SET amps don't roll off highs and have round, fat tubby bass. My present system is rather neutral flavored, can even veer off into analytical territory at times. One can flavor SET as well, I've had 2a3, now have custom built 300B monoblocks, Coincident Turbo 845, Art Audio Carissa Sig. 845 and Prima Luna Dialogue Four with diy mods, push pull amp. Each of the SET has it's particular sound, all bring sense of live performers in room. And I play every genre of music, some may think EDM (electronic dance music) couldn't possibly sound good with SET, quite the opposite. As for large scale classical, I would say I've heard greater sense of scale with wonderful high powered ss. Still, my SET pretty nice with this music. Rock, jazz, folk, etc. , all smaller scaled more intimate music, they all work with my setup, my playlists all over the place when I'm streaming music.
I will never leave SET, live performers in room, ability to change flavors, micro dynamics just amazing, sufficient macro dynamics with correct speakers, transparency that just amazes. Whats not to like!
I will never leave SET, live performers in room, ability to change flavors, micro dynamics just amazing, sufficient macro dynamics with correct speakers, transparency that just amazes. Whats not to like!

SETs are the   marraige of King to Queen.
But look at whats most often talked about here.
Big PP amps and low sens speakers.
I plan to get a  budget chinese 845.
The Defy  with new Mundorf high end caps, Takman resistors will most likely`~ collect dust.
Poor Mr Jadis.... so sad,......ARC in Minnesota as well....
The sign of the times,,, 

I see a  change up ahead...
As the poet sang

Post removed 
For close to three decades I ran Naim solid state gear. Loved it. I was satisfied.

Then I had a chance to buy a pair of Quad ESL 63s and an Innersound Electrostatic amp. It sounded better than my Naim 135s on the Quads.

Then I picked up a pair of JBL 4430 monitors.

When I retired I bought a Supratek tube preamp. Replaced the Innersound with a Quad 909. Dipped my toes in the SET water with a 300B amp, which I use on the JBLs. 

Now I switch between the two systems. They both sound awesome. They both have compromises. But they both have synergies and areas where their performance excels. Neither is perfect.

The destination should be contentment, not perfection. Everything matters and there's always something better out there.