I once saw Long John Baldry. He is a very tall guy. Great show!
@j_husker Best to you on the knee surgery. I have had 3 knee surgeries (twice on the left and once on the right), so I can identify with you. As you likely know, be very good on your PT. Work hard at it because you get out of it only from what you put into it. Get back 100%. And do enjoy the music.
Joe Cocker "With A Little Help From My Friends" early press, sounds rather good.
Katanga, the Tone Poet issue. So good, and from such a long ago recording.
Jennifer Warnes "Famous Blue Raincoat" inspired from being listed here, yesterday. I bought this last year, released as a special Limited Edition of only 1,000 copies on Impex Records, made from Jennifer's personal master tape, on blue vinyl. My copy is S/N: 0825/1000. Man, is this good!