You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?

Thought experiment:

You run a store which sells used and new gear from any point in history.  The catch is you can have exactly 2 brands.  One of electronics one of speakers. 

Defunct brands are OK as are those current with long histories. 

What brands are they? 

Both expensive, but you'll never have to make excuses or apologize to anyone
Only two brands? That’s going to be tuff and I have to make rent by the end of the month so I’m going with Marantz and Paradigm.

If I just won a large Lottery and I’m looking for a hobby instead of hanging out on the beach all day of fear of skin cancer then it’s MBL. I’m covered with speakers too and I just made my life easier having only one vendor and not dealing with another… gives me more time on the beach.