RME ADI-2 fs DAC: Not Loving It

I took the plunge about 6 months ago and replaced my Peachtree DACiTx with ADI-2.  I got the DACiTx to play files via computer and from my old but beloved JVC XL-Z1050 CDP.  

Can't say that I've noticed a marked improvement using the RME over the Peachtree. 

I picked the RME because of the glowing reviews and the fact that it had DSP.  I'm 61 yrs. old and last time I had my ears checked I haven't really lost much in the high freq's. But, I thought that it was inevitable that I would and the EQ that RME has may be a bonus.

In reality, it is not very user friendly and I'm no techie.  I thought by playing with it for a while it would get easier but really all I want to do is listen to music.

I'm no longer using a computer but a Bluesound Node 2i for my files and also use Tidal.

Not really a headphone guy but thought it would be nice to have the option seeing that neither of my preamps have a headphone jack.  I was only using my headphones with portable devices.  

I have mostly listened to vinyl over the years but really wanted to upgrade my digital front end as I'm getting lazy in my old age. 

The rest of my system :

Classe CP-50
Rogue Audio Model 99 Magnum

Power Amps:
McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe Edition 
Black Ice Audio Fusion 3502P

ACI Titan II LE subwoofer

Still using the JVC as a CD transport.   
I usually mix and match tubes with solid state.  Right now I'm using the Classe Pre with Black Ice Audio tubed power amp.

The RME sounds rather neutral, lean and dry to my ears.  Nothing exciting.  It doesn't make me sit up and take notice like when I first added the Peachtree to my system.  I was like wow! This is what I been missing all these years.  So, I thought the RME would be a significant upgrade over the Peachtree.  So far, not impressed.  Maybe if I was headphone guy?  Can't comment there other than both headphone outputs work.  

Any suggestions on what to try or what direction I should take next? 
@ audiosaurusrex

I haven't given up on the RME yet.  There's been lots of good advice given here by some good posters.  

Tomorrow I'll try the balanced outputs directly to my power amp. 

I will admit, not user friendly....  it is a pro -sumer device.   Its menu hierarchy is straight out of pro audio.    Once you master navigation of the menu its much easier to dial in.   Also try setting the output to Auto and then try the +1 dB,  +5 dB,  etc ....   in my opinion this setting is the most important in getting good sound out of the DAC.   If everything is set to default, no tone, eq , etc try each of the output levels .  You will find the level that provides plenty of drive but doesn't overload the preamps or amps input.   

Interesting thought on the gain setting. I’m pretty sure it is set to auto and the display is currently showing +1 dB.  I will double check of course.  
Will that change depending on the volume?
When using the DAC, I set my preamp volume to 25 and use the RME’s volume control from there.
My preamp has a dual gain feature that you can change the gain from 18db to 12db if desired. I usually use it 18db but it's easy to change with the remote.
I'm not sure I understand  the Auto Ref function vs. using the manual setting.  

How do I identify if my preamp is overloading?
I would say it would sound compressed,  hard sounding.    If you look in the manual there is a section that shows what the dB level is equivalent to in volts.   Something like +5 is like 2.0 volts out of the RME .   Thats where I would set it first at whatever equalls 2.0 v which nominal for RCA connections.   The 13dB output will yield over 4 volts through RCA too I believe so you could overload the preamps input.    My preamps are both tube and full output out of the RME does not seem to overload , but it is depending on material.  You can see it on the horizontal post meter.   If you switch the RME screen to dark volume, the dark screen with the large white numeric volume readout , the numbers will actually turn red if the incoming signal is causing it to clip....

The things that box can do are amazing.   Keep playing with it, you will dial it in.