Amplifier for Cornwall IV

I’m looking for SOLID STATE  amplifier for new to me Cornwall IV (NOT INTERESTED IN TUBES) due to current conditions thanks 
 I’m trying to decide between this amps 
I have the speakers next is amp and then Preamp follow by source
I have Cambridge Azur 851N and cocktail Audio X45 for DAC and  streaming duties also has classe SSP800  and Parasound Hint6  to use as Preamp only for now 
100% streaming and this set up is going to be in my garage MANCAVE
I listen to almost everything but blues , old school country , jazz and  reggae mostly thanks I appreciate any advice and recommendations 
One thing about Parasound is they all have gain control I believe. This would totally negate the "getting loud too fast"..... I think
Wow lordrootman,

I am very surprised the new Cornwalls are that close to your old Epics and KLFs. I thought they would be much smoother and easier to listen to from everything I've read. I had modified Chorus 2s for a while and they did some things great they were definitely not something I could live long term. 
@mofojo i have owned chorus ii and is okay speakers in my room the modifier KLF 30 easily walk over it so CF4 walk over KLF 30 in room 
with CF4 I’m getting like 85% or more of Cornwall IV sound though CF4 bass is outperform IV 
I got a really great price I can’t pass on JC5 new under 3500
So is the way if I don’t like it I can sell without lost 

@lordrootman  just wondering where you're seeing (or know a dealer) who's selling the JC5 for $3500... Hell I'd buy two right now!

I'm trialling the JC5 now, but would love to save some $$$