Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

MC, You seem to have a death wish for your fellow forumites.  You continually post anti vaccine links, even though it is clear to any rational, free thinking individual that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective.  The VAERS site mentioned in your youtube link is from a US Health and Human Services group that compiles all adverse events reported to it following any and all vaccinations.  There have been a lot of vaccinations in 2021 which is reflected by an increase in reports.  The fact that the Covid-19 vaccines are in the news daily has undoubtedly caused an increase in reported events also.  Like me, if you get a slightly sore arm following a vaccination, you are free to report it as an adverse event.  Minor sniffles and a headache like I typically get from the temporary inflammation following a flu vaccination, go ahead and report it.  Temporary fast heartbeat, temporary slow heartbeat, let em know.  Dizziness, confusion, changes in eyesight or hearing, tell them.  They are obligated to include any and all reports in their summary reports.  


But, be aware that the VAERS site itself states that a causal relationship between the adverse event and the vaccination cannot be established by the data.  They continue “Some adverse events might be caused by vaccination and others might be coincidental and not related to vaccination. Just because an adverse event happened after a person received a vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused the adverse event“.   There is not a control group to compare the data with, which makes most of the data data pretty much meaningless, unless a specific adverse event shows up that is unusually high compared to the unvaccinated and can be explored further.  As of August 13, 2021 the VAERS system had documented 497 cases of myocarditis and about 100 cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome.  These have been studied in greater detail and they do in fact seem to be vaccine related.  Out of 200 million vaccinated, the incidence of these events is miniscule and is dwarfed by the number of lives saved by the vaccines.  Over the summer, YaleNews reported that the estimated number of lives saved by the Covid-19 vaccines approaches 279,000 as well as 1.25 million hospitalizations prevented.


So, I’ve got to ask you what on earth is your motivation to mislead people ?  I am really curious about this.

 On the prayer call today:

Expectant Mother, child is breach , no room at the Inn, aka hospital Seattle because selfish unvaccinated are clogging up system , ( as Springsteen sang “ busing in trouble from outa state “… )
best estimate of available bed is 11 days past her due date, so we know how this movie plays out: c section in ER….

Funny how the right to life crown really isn’t 

of course I know her name

Instead of believing whatever you are told for close to two years, I suggest anyone to spend a little valuable time and do their own research.