Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
 On the prayer call today:

Expectant Mother, child is breach , no room at the Inn, aka hospital Seattle because selfish unvaccinated are clogging up system , ( as Springsteen sang “ busing in trouble from outa state “… )
best estimate of available bed is 11 days past her due date, so we know how this movie plays out: c section in ER….

Funny how the right to life crown really isn’t 

of course I know her name

Instead of believing whatever you are told for close to two years, I suggest anyone to spend a little valuable time and do their own research.
Denies reality while talking about being misleading. I really have to wonder what is behind this obsession with gaslighting.

So you have an alternative reality, just like KellyAnne?   Nothing I have said here is untrue.  Facts as posted by the US Dept of HHS on the VAERS site and an estimate by Yale, yeah, that Yale.    You really are a piece of work.