CDP to replace vinyl

I'm going to sunset my vinyl gear (WTTT&A) and I'm looking for suggestions for a CDP that will give me that "vinyl" sound. The rest of my system consists of a CARY 300sei and a pair of ProAcs 1SCs. I listen primarily to classical, jazz and vocals. My first though is a Cary 301 tube unit. Thanks for your input. Dave
My Resolution Audio Opus 21 comes close, but it STILL doesn't have that soft, woody, warm, smooth "vinyl" sound compared to my 1981 Hitatchi turntable with a $300 cartridge.
Cary 303-300 would go well. Lots of adjustments for slight sound changes, all available on the remote.
Look into CEC belt-driven cdp's, they are known for a "vinyl like" reproduction.
look into an Esoteric DV-50 nice multi format player. The used one's are a good price now.
The most expensive Naim you can afford. The CDX2 is a great unit and from there it only gets better.

However, no matter what you get it won't be better than your vinyl.