Tannoy Definition Subwoofer

Hello, Audiogon!
I am potentially interested in Tannoy Definition Subwoofer, the one that is currently on sale @ Upscale, link below.  Can any actual owners comment on performance and how well it complements main speakers?  It would be used in a 2 channel application supplementing modified Magnepan MG-12s.  Room is about 25x15, 8 ft. ceilings, placement is flexible, there are already some acoustic treatments in place.  Not interested in HT application at all, two channel bass extension only.  Huge thanks in advance!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xchattaudio
It is a great design. The only significant defect is lack of a high pass filter for your MGs which seriously important especially for those speakers.
Ideally you need at least two subs for that space. But if that price holds
two would cost less the one retail. The big question is why so cheap. Something is wrong and you have to find out what it is. Are they rebuilds? Scratch and dent maybe. Something.
No specifications available so you don’t know how low it will play, and you don’t know how much X max the driver has available, So it may just be a woofer not an actual subwoofer which will play down below 20 Hz which is what the word sub means
For a speaker as quick in transients and dynamics, I suggest one of the Zu subwoofers over the, the Undertone being closest in price to Upscale's blowout price. Zu's subwoofers are the only subs I've heard (including the Tannoy) quick enough to seamlessly match up to fast-transients, responsive speakers like Magnepan, Zu, Quad ESL, and similar.
