Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

The logical fallacy of innuendo, or implication, occurs when a conclusion is suggested to be true without directly stating the point. This is a fallacy because it is a deceptive tactic. Innuendo is generally used as a substitute for evidence. In other words, the innuendo technique is used as the only proof for a claim. It is often more persuasive than a straightforward statement because a clear statement is easier to evaluate for logical fallacies, to realize that a claim (implied) has no basis, no proof. Note that this is different from simply being unclear. What makes this a fallacy is that there is no evidence and the use of innuendo is a mechanism to hide the fact that there is no real evidence.

This "V" was put out there on purpose. There is an Agenda. It was never worse than a Flu. Masks very never necessary. All illness numbers were highly exaggerated. Now, hospital illness attendance numbers and deaths (which are actually vaccine injuries) are played way down. This is just the raw truth. Anyone may simply believe this or not. To quote cd318: I wish you well, I really do.
This was only ever about getting the mass population vaccinated, ie: to gain control of and to reset society. True