Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

Millercarbon _ I willfully admitted that I made an assumption in my earlier reply, but the post by coys21 makes it clear that my assumption was correct and that your youtube post was not.  Thanks coy21.  The Victoria Minister of Health misspoke one of the the many numbers he stated.  This is the classic situation where we can present the truth for you, but we cannot comprehend it for you.   You are beginning to remind me of a former co-worker who was often described as “always certain, seldom right”.  BTW, I am not even going to look at your recent youtube link.  If you have something to say, please have the courage and courtesy to say it directly.


For CD318 - I just had a booster and feel fine about it.  Fauci never stated that vaccine efficacy was now at 0%.  Breakthrough cases have been discussed ad nauseum in the media – you just need to read a bit more.  I do suspect that additional vaccinations against Covid -19 will be recommended in the future, just as influenza vaccines are recommended every single year.  You really need to read a lot more.  No one that has not been infected or vaccinated has any “natural immunity” to Covid-19.  If you have been infected, there is no way to determine that your immunity is “dozens of times” more effective than vaccination.  Both degrade over time.  Herd immunity to the original Covid-19 alpha variant was originally estimated to be at about 70% or so total immunity.  We might be approaching that number with infections and vaccinations combined, but Delta changed everything with regard to numerical estimates of herd immunity, so it is likely now about 90 or 95% ? not sure.  We will likely never approach that number thanks to some of those involved in this conversation.   Do you read anything at all?  99% of people are not anywhere near safe from the effects of this virus.  You must be from another planet.  Adverse effects from vaccinations predominantly are immunological in nature and typically occur very early, days, weeks, not years later.  Do you know what the long term effects are of the hot dog you had for lunch?  How long term?  Very recent studies show that about 36 minutes of lifetime is lost for each hot dog you have ever eaten.  I've had a few.  As published in many major medical journals, the virus was identified, isolated, sequenced, replication rates studied, and cell culture characteristics were documented back in March of LAST year.  Do you even know how to read or use Google?  


Mahgister – From reading the forums, I first thought you were a bit different, but I have come to appreciate your posts, approach, and insight.  Different can be good.  Words to live by.  I checked your links and though the Flemmingmethod post may have some pertinent information, there is just too much info to digest quickly from the link you provided.  I will try to check it out later.  Geert Vanden Bossche seems to have some credibility.  Vaccine leakage is really more a characteristic of a mutating virus, and doesn’t imply that there is a problem with the vaccine.  These mRNA vaccines were developed quickly to target a very specific protein.  With mutations occurring (it’s what viruses naturally do), very specific vaccines might show some limitations.  The alternative is to not have a vaccine at all right now, and have millions more dead, while we wait in lockdown conditions for a better vaccine.  I am certain that work is continuing to make improved Covid vaccines.

These mRNA vaccines were developed quickly to target a very specific protein. With mutations occurring (it’s what viruses naturally do), very specific vaccines might show some limitations. The alternative is to not have a vaccine at all right now, and have millions more dead, while we wait in lockdown conditions for a better vaccine. I am certain that work is continuing to make improved Covid vaccines.
The problem is not so much with the vaxx itself (even if there is adverse reactions and there are many and too much indeed) the problem is the MASS vaccination POLITIC IMPOSED and MANDATED in the middle of a pandemy (even if we could discuss this concept) and his rightfulness in the perspective of pure science...

The problem is that there is alternative to the vaxx, many treatments at very low cost....

The problem is the subordination of the hippocratic oath for the money and the abdication to treat by many doctors BECAUSE of the doctor lost of their freedom to treat for a POLITIC of MASS vaccination,and treatment at hospital with a failed remdesivir, instead of a wiseful selected groups vaccination coupled with the many treatments which are working at low cost, in the middle of a pandemy...

The problem is the real science behind epidemiology population dynamics which is in a complete contradiction with a POLITICAL MASS VACCINATION imposed indiscriminately on all population groups, at the cost also of the lost of all freedom for the doctor and also for his all that here very clearly explained:

The problem is the censorship erasing all freedom , especially in science, by the GLOBAL control of information....

I will not go further.... If you dont know that already.... Please study....
Mahgister – From reading the forums, I first thought you were a bit different, but I have come to appreciate your posts, approach, and insight.  Different can be good.  Words to live by.
Thank you for your kind words about me...

I know that you are a man who can study.... then my last words were not an accusation but only an invitation....

My deepest respect....