Owning the speakers you dreamed of 20 years ago

Does speaker technology really change that much?  As I'm listening to my Klipsch Heresy's in a bedroom setup, I decided to look up to see what $3k or so could buy me today used and was shocked to see the speakers I used to drool over, when I was done looking at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition ;), were available for a quarter or less of the money.

Revel Ultima
Sonus Faber
JM Lab Mezzo 

And more, are all available to buy used.

Seriously these were speakers I would daydream about.  How do they sound today compared to a speaker that you would spend $3k on new or even a few years old?  How could these $10k speakers from a time I can still remember, really sound like a $3k speaker?  My Klipsch's remind me that speakers even older and cheaper are irreplaceable to me, so why wouldn't I spend $3k for one of my old heroes?

What am I missing here?

Sweet F all has changed regarding Speakers in the last 20, 30, 40, and even 50 years ! Materials may have "improved" things which goes without saying. But unconventional thinking on how to best reproduce sound hasn't done anything special IMHO. Where are the Bose's, Magnepan's, Tannoy's, Quad's, Martin Logan's (and many others) in today's Audio Marketplace ?

Open Baffle isn't a new idea either (and I'm a fanboy) but there's more being done in that area of sound reproduction than anywhere else.WRT to Speakers. We still listen to boxes with an without holes/port tubes/slots/tx lines and so forth. 

My collection has Bose 901's, KEF 105/3's, a pair of tiny Ohm's, and my Open Baffle Debacles with stacked dual 15" Subwoofers/Woofers (depending on how I drive them).
No actually 20 yrs ago
I never in my 
nor dreamt 
I would ever dump my Millennium Tweeter for a  WBer.

sometimes dreams do come true,,even IF you nevber dreamed it  would happen

Does that make sense??
Millennium = mightmare
WBer fulfills my hopes, wishes dreams. There THAT makes sense
The WBer Audiophile
I certainly agree with Miller Carbon.  He has forgotten more than most of us know.  Why would anyone purchase a old speaker unless it was a demo pair or less than 3 years old.  Huge changes even over the past 5 years.  
Now that you mention it there is a distinct possibility I have forgotten more than I know!
Douglas_Schroeder. I’ll have to defer to your experience with the latest speakers. I favored ribbon speakers 20 years ago for their speed and resulting resolving power. I can tell you that the model F’s I have resolve as well as any of the fastest ribbon drivers of the day…Piega, VMPS, Eminent etc and have heard them in the same room with Apogee full ribbons and Infinity IRS. You hear every voice in a chorus, can count how many chairs are in the sax section of a big band, and can hear what is going on in the back of the stage as easy as the front. That platinum tweeter is as sweet as any I’ve heard (even better with less putty imho).
I wanted to try a pair of King Sound after owning Soundlabs and Maggie’s, but wanted something with more punch and snap.
I’m certain/assume there are better speakers than the F’s. Can you get a pair of King Sound or Whispers for $2500?