Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Alas! the reason why i dont want to discuss about the actual crisis is evident here...

Precise questions are not at the front at all but 2 camps warring with each other, scapegoating one another..

For the Vaxx or against it?

What a childish alternative...Really....What stupidity ...

Reality is not simple like that...

I will only repeat something, vaccination population dynamic is a science....

MASS vaccination of ALL groups, what so ever their past conditions, age,immunity history, and ESPECIALLY their country( poor countries were almost totally denied and dismissed of help for their at risk groups vaccination access) Mass indiscriminated vaccinations for the rich only is crime and not only stupid science....

Mass vaccination in rich countries is after Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, among many others great doctors not paid by any lobbies, the most stupid and criminal mandate of all times....

Then reducing this debate to the alternative against or for vaccination is child level debate or programmed prejudice....

Anybody with a sound mind is in favor of a safe vaccination for the group of the population at risk or with the urgent need for it in ANY country rich and poor...All diseases are not equal either on this front, and equating them all for the only reason to justify one NEW experimental type of vaxx for the covid disease is plain stupidity...Sorry....Especially when treatments exist ....For those in doubt read out of the facebook or youtube censored media...Grab science with articles easy to find on the net.... Phone doctors who really treat covid patients....A clue: it is not doctor Fauci....

MASS MANDATED VACCINATION is not vaccination science it is politic not politic in the noble and pure sense but a tool for power greed and money....

Like in audio matter dont buy anything before thinking....

Dont upgrade or vaccinate before controlling your own embeddings system or assessing your own body status .... 😁😉☺😊

Who need the costly vaccines: a rich young teen american or a poor doctor working in madagascar?

This question is a clue for a worldwide real efficient politic of vaccination... None other....

Ask yourself WHY this question is not at the forefront...Think.....But instead, a totally crazy madate for obligatory mass vaccination in america....

A clue: it is not a rightwing or communist question, save for idiots.... But a purely scientific one in population dynamic vacination science and epidemiology...

Mass hysteria gents can come in the snap of ones finger, crushing down on all of us.

Illness, food shortages…the list continues on and on

But what are we without FAITH??? Faith in whatever you believe

Faith in ones Stereo…

I’ve been in this life before, and I still can’t seem to get things RIGHT

And if we don’t kill ourselves first, that Star of ours surely will
Mahgister,  I am responding to your morality question from my own perspective since I recently made the choice to get a  booster vaccination.  Before I got it, I did some checking with regard to availability elsewhere in the world.  Currently 45.4% of the world population has received at least one Covid vaccination.  The US currently ranks 18th in vaccination percentage at 64%, behind countries such as Portugal, Uruguay, Brazil, Canada and much of Europe.  Checking a map of distribution, I saw that the predominant region with low vaccination rate is most of Africa in single digits. The issue there is primarily one of distribution and storage due to the ultralow temperature storage requirements.  The fact that Biden had just several days ago pledged to purchase and make half a billion additional doses available for the rest of the world made my decision easier on my conscience. 
Thanks for the information....

It is no excuse for the lack of world sane policy from the beginning but it a a beginning...

My deepest respect to you...

Ah Magister, the side you picked cares not one wit for the larger world, America First is the  rally cry.