Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Mahgister,  I am responding to your morality question from my own perspective since I recently made the choice to get a  booster vaccination.  Before I got it, I did some checking with regard to availability elsewhere in the world.  Currently 45.4% of the world population has received at least one Covid vaccination.  The US currently ranks 18th in vaccination percentage at 64%, behind countries such as Portugal, Uruguay, Brazil, Canada and much of Europe.  Checking a map of distribution, I saw that the predominant region with low vaccination rate is most of Africa in single digits. The issue there is primarily one of distribution and storage due to the ultralow temperature storage requirements.  The fact that Biden had just several days ago pledged to purchase and make half a billion additional doses available for the rest of the world made my decision easier on my conscience. 
Thanks for the information....

It is no excuse for the lack of world sane policy from the beginning but it a a beginning...

My deepest respect to you...

Ah Magister, the side you picked cares not one wit for the larger world, America First is the  rally cry.
I'm not against anyone taking or not taking a vaccine. Stay 6 feet away and wear a mask. The first thing I do is grab my little buddy at school, walk to the car, load him in the car seat, the wife hands me hand cleaner through the window, I clean up and open the door and get in.

I drop them off and their house, he gets a bath and then school work, but no paper handouts, all via computer.. It's worked so far..

On the other hand the other Grandparents BOTH got covid behind going to BARS and drinking, neither were vaccinated and STILL went out and acted like FOOLS. They did get pretty sick for 2 weeks and recovered after 6 weeks or so.

Heck I don't care what people do, stay the FUC# away from me..25 years sense I been in a bar.. Then it was tonic water:-)
Ah Magister, the side you picked
Dear tomic601, i am very sorry that you think i picked a side....

I just said the complete opposite ....

This crisis is not  about a political stance for or against this vaccination...

Is it possible to think?

My deepest respect to you....