Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Hey, genius, just read the last line in the abstract if you can. From one of the most respected science journals in the world. A meta-analysis of all the published data. Hydroxychloroquine treatment of Covid patients shows an INCREASE in patient mortality with no benefits. Like I said yesterday - always certain, seldom right
Name calling is not cool just said someone wise...I concur...

It does not take a genius to figure for ourself that Hydroxychloroquine treatment MUST be administered in the first days of the symptoms...Otherwise efficacy decrease dramatically..

It does not take a genius to understand that if the right dosage of HQC with the right complementary AMOUNT of other drugs and minerals are not administered in the first few days of the disease we can show easily that really HQC is ineffective...Like any other drug administered with the wrong dosage and without the necessary other complementary drugs and minerals in the FIRST DAYS....

It does not take a genius to figure out that Hcq dont work miraculously by itself but with many other drugs or complementary product like zinc for example...It is called a TREATMENT PROTOCOL by the group frontline doctors...There is no miraculous drug that work by itself only. against this disease...No vaccination that also work miraculously by itself alone...

It does not take a genius to figure out that there exist many others LOW COST treatment in the FIRST DAYS of the disease symptoms manifestation...
For example ivermectin with OTHERS complementary drugs and minerals...
Here there is many meta analysis of many treatment....Even hydroxychloroquine:

In one word dont confuse "miraculous vaccines" or "miraculous drug" with a sophisticated TREATMENT PROTOCOL....Which could include also vaccination of at risk population group....

MASS vaccination mandate are stupidity....Vaccination is not....

Drug or vaccine promotion is not medecine science but marketing work at best..... Most of the times there is no miraculous drug or vaccine....There is only EARLY and sometimes alas ! LATE treatment protocol in medecine science....Vaccines included....Because wisely used in the right group of at risk people vaccines are useful..... Actual Mass vaccination is on the other hand a political stance not science....Especially when this mass vaccination is accompanied by a censorship of any low cost treatment....

Master M, how goes the battle?
My room is very good now...

I learned how to create the right acoustic at no cost...It takes me few years...

I listen music with no more upgrading surge or creative new ideas for my system now....I dont contribute anymore to my own thread....😊

Music is so good i dont listen no more to sound....I sleepwalk in ectasy instead...

This evening with Miles Davis.... A true genius....

Then no more audio battle....

I hope that your health is good and i give to you my friendly salutation and my best wishes....