If Rosso are that much better than these brands, let the free market speak for itself :)
The free market often doesn’t work that way, unfortunately. If it always did, Bose wouldn’t sell nearly as many speakers and headphones as they do. The issue is that some companies are simply better at the marketing and distribution game. And these days it’s more difficult than ever to separate the chaff from the wheat.
I haven’t heard any Rosso speakers but have heard plenty of Harbeths and other brands in that price range. As such, I wouldn’t be the least surprised if Rosso outperforms Harbeth on many audiophile metrics. Harbeths have great midrange, true, but other brands are their equal in that regard. This isn’t so much a dig on Harbeth, rather, it’s to say there are many excellent speakers out there that never get their time in the “limelight” for reasons outside of sound quality. Some if the best I’ve heard are rarely mentioned in forums.