kijanki, lets look at what you said I said 😕
You don't like very detailed sound .. I don't think I said that, I said I don't like the result of combining components that major in detail.
You don't like perfect imaging .. I did not say that either, just that pin-point imaging does not occur at a live event.
You like coloring of the sound by overly warm 300B .. yes, guilty as charged but again not quite what I said. I think anybody present when we swapped amps would have not only preferred the valve amp but thoroughly enjoyed it.
I played one of my favourite and best recorded albums which I recommend to all. It's Christina Pluhar's Los Impossibles where we could clearly hear the size of the recording venue, where the baritone voice was cleanly separate from the other voices in the choir. Another acid test is 10CC's I'm not in love. This is poorly recorded and what was heard that day was not a magical transformation but it was rendered in a way that brought back some strong nostalgia. I was able to listen and enjoy and this to me is all that matters.
For a system to provide a sense of space fine detail is required. For a piano to sound like a piano the fundamental and all the harmonics need to be cleanly produced demanding detail. When harmonics are missing the ear/brain relationship has to work much harder leading to fatigue. Taken to the extreme, if we deliberately remove all harmonics we are left with just the fundamental frequency and if middle C was struck all that would be heard is a 261.6 Hz sine wave. We heard piano sound beautiful and I grew up with piano being played and though I don't play do know what a piano sounds like. For that piano sound we enjoyed that day I did not analyse, did not need to, it sounded glorious. The detail was there but just presented in a civilised manner. 😁
You don't like very detailed sound .. I don't think I said that, I said I don't like the result of combining components that major in detail.
You don't like perfect imaging .. I did not say that either, just that pin-point imaging does not occur at a live event.
You like coloring of the sound by overly warm 300B .. yes, guilty as charged but again not quite what I said. I think anybody present when we swapped amps would have not only preferred the valve amp but thoroughly enjoyed it.
I played one of my favourite and best recorded albums which I recommend to all. It's Christina Pluhar's Los Impossibles where we could clearly hear the size of the recording venue, where the baritone voice was cleanly separate from the other voices in the choir. Another acid test is 10CC's I'm not in love. This is poorly recorded and what was heard that day was not a magical transformation but it was rendered in a way that brought back some strong nostalgia. I was able to listen and enjoy and this to me is all that matters.
For a system to provide a sense of space fine detail is required. For a piano to sound like a piano the fundamental and all the harmonics need to be cleanly produced demanding detail. When harmonics are missing the ear/brain relationship has to work much harder leading to fatigue. Taken to the extreme, if we deliberately remove all harmonics we are left with just the fundamental frequency and if middle C was struck all that would be heard is a 261.6 Hz sine wave. We heard piano sound beautiful and I grew up with piano being played and though I don't play do know what a piano sounds like. For that piano sound we enjoyed that day I did not analyse, did not need to, it sounded glorious. The detail was there but just presented in a civilised manner. 😁