Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Banging heads about science on an audio site may not be the definition of insanity, but it is next to it in the dictionary for those willing and able to read.

I forgot to say that the most pervasive insanity is sometimes the "normal" working without thinking mode and habit in any society...

Freeing ouselves from the prejudice of our society is not insamity even if it mimic insanity.... Is Bouddah or Christ insane? Yes for most people they has been...

Then "banging our heads in audio forum about science" or between the walls of an asylum or with friends in a coffee shop is perhaps sometimes a small interesting insanity.... I will call it life....Never banging our heads about science i will call it a greater less interesting insanity...

Rand Paul or Fauci?

My God!  How about your personal doctor?
Or ask the dying unvaccinated begging for a shot and the poor doctor telling him or her it is too late.
Mutatations are a natural occurrence...brilliant statement....but has nothing to do with increasing hosts which in turn could increase mutations. Please read what you are regurgitating. And speaking of intellectual vomit, "asymptomatic is a ploy". Do tell thou great conspiracy discerner. 
I would also posit that a significant portion of Africans live rural lives without subways, air conditioning, office jobs, routine air travel, etc. And most do not have a bottle of Hydroxychloriquil on the bedstand. Ridiculous, sophmoric, dangerous arguments are being spouted here. I would ask the moderators to shut it down. 

Rand Paul or Fauci?

My God! How about your personal doctor?
Or ask the dying unvaccinated begging for a shot and the poor doctor telling him or her it is too late.
Mutatations are a natural occurrence...brilliant statement....but has nothing to do with increasing hosts which in turn could increase mutations. Please read what you are regurgitating. And speaking of intellectual vomit, "asymptomatic is a ploy". Do tell thou great conspiracy discerner.
I would also posit that a significant portion of Africans live rural lives without subways, air conditioning, office jobs, routine air travel, etc. And most do not have a bottle of Hydroxychloriquil on the bedstand. Ridiculous, sophmoric, dangerous arguments are being spouted here. I would ask the moderators to shut it down.
Begging to shut down or censor reflections, especially reflections which do not reject fanatically neither vaccinations or treatment protocol like mine, but ask for just that :reflections about the wise use of vaccinations and protocol treatments at the same time, speak volume about your fanatical wishes and character...

You are like empty head or sheeps pressing everybody to choose one "truth", their choosen one, and only one....Reality is not so simple and is not, thanks God! for the time being only the "reality" which you wish for, sorry....Debate in society and sciences are good...Even in audio thread....

Go on with censorship which is a disease not less worse than covid at your own risk....

Good Morning to you Mahgister.  Thank you for your welcome and well intentioned interaction.  While I would normally agree with your comment about name calling, Millercarbon is about the worst offender I have seen on this forum in this regard so I have relaxed my normally high standards.  In addition, his ironic utilization of the Einstein avatar would imply a level of comfort with this particular moniker.


I appreciate the link you provided.  It is a very large summary of a wide range of alternative Covid-19 treatment regimes.  There is a lot to digest here, so I selected the Hydroxychloroquine related group of publications to have a look at initially.  There are limits to the amount of time I can spend on this stuff, so I decided to take a closer look at the 10 most recent studies (of the total 290 publications) in this HCQ subset list that they analyzed since they would seem to have the benefit of earlier knowledge with regard to HCQ treatment parameters.   Sound fair?  I think so.


Six of the most recent 10 HCQ publications showed summaries that stated no significant differences were found and I will not dwell on them.  Statistical significance in data is a hallmark of modern science.  The Civriz-Bozdag publication actually shows an increase in mortality in the HCQ treated group.  The Accinelli paper studies groups that were only treated with HCQ and Azithromycin (no control groups) and concludes that the patients whose treatment with HCQ/AZT earlier in the course of the disease (0 to 3 days) do not have as poor an outcome as those whose treatment was started later in the course of their disease.  With the known dangerous side effects of hydroxychloroquine, an untreated  control group may well have shown even less mortality than any of the groups treated with (challenged by?) HCQ.  We do not know since it was not included in the study.  They also state that “there was no apparent protection among the 558 patients that received these drugs when they were already hospitalized”. 


The Sawanpanyalert publication shows lower risk of a poor outcome with the antiviral Favipiravir, but also shows that Favipiravir with HCQ treatment shows a trend towards lower risk that does not meet the parameters for significance.  HCQ seems to diminish the positive effect of the antiviral drug.


Finally, the first one on the list is actually a preprint of this very analysis of the 290 the papers in the list making it sort of a nested loop of data. I will not comment on it because of this, but will note that they make the comment that “While many treatments have some level of efficacy, they do not replace vaccines”


So, once again, my choice 100 times out of 100 is to get vaccinated.

mnmark for your kind words...

My point is simple: vaccinations cannot replace protocol treatments and protocol treatments cannot replace vaccines... a reflection about the wise use of the 2 for different population age and at risk groups is my ONLY point...

By the way all drugs had a toxicity level in their use, HcQ is no exception but with ivermectin  they are each one of the lowest risk drugs on earth used billions times for more than fifty years or near so...

Then so much for the dangers of using them...

Is HQC  efficient?

It is another question i am not qualified to debate....

But there is many others low cost treatments to choose for...ivermectin is one there is others also...

My point is only this: vaccination cannot be with a coronavirus the only solution, nor protocol treatment coould be the only solution for all, especially with at risk very old people with a compromised immune system... It is not simple to understand? Covid is not the regular flu but has something in common with it, it mutates very much...Do you think flu vaccination must be forcefully mandated for all people massively each winter? I dont think so...Pharmaceutical companies wish for that certainly, but is it science?

To decide about vaccination is risk caculus based on age and specific individual risk and specific needs ALWAYS here...It is not rational nor sensical to politically IMPOSE vaccination and especially ONE type of vaxx, instead of all others possible worldwide choices like sputnik one or other one for example....Science must be separated from propaganda or patriotic hymns.... This is my point...

My deepest respect to you....