Battery-powered transports

Other than the 47 Labs 'Flatfish' and 'Shigaraki' tranports, are there any others that can be run on battery power?
If you're handy, a Sony SCD-1/777ES transport section (or virtually any manufacturer's transport) can be converted to run on 12V batteries. With the Sony the motor can powered by an unregulated 12V battery & the 3.3V and 5V DC regulators for the transport electronics can be powered by the same 12V battery. Better yet, the 3.3V and 5V 3-pin regulators can be replaced by discrete superregulator units and powered by the 12V battery. This results in a big improvement relative to stock.

Thanks Dave. I'm not handy but I know those who are. When you say 12V, are suggesting using a 12V car battey?

I'm trying to come up with a list of criteria that account for one transport sounding better than another. I know there is much more to it than reading 1s and 0s.
Why, for instance, does the Zanden tranport at $25,000 sound so much better than an Accustic Arts tranport at $5,000 when both of them are built around the same Philips mechanism?

Many of the top transports use the same Philips mechanism at heart. The manufacturers then put some thought and expense into vibration control. They then put effort into designing a good power supply.
Am I correct in assuming that an inexpensive transport (with a good Philips mechanism and good vibration control) could be made to sound as good as a very expensive transport simply by replacing its poor power supply with a 12 V battery?