Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

Respect and friendship to you as well.

Seriously, you are accomplishing some major positive outcomes and showing considerable thought and intelligence to imagine and design everything in your photos. Best wishes.
ghasley, You seem like a reasonable person. Why then do you dismiss out of hand information simply because it disagrees with your preconceived conclusions?  

The last one I posted from the UK agrees with data collected here in the US, and by the CDC no less. myocarditis is (was, before now) extremely rare in the adolescent population. Incidence of myocarditis increased so much it stands out to the point even the CDC has acknowledged it. This alone is one reason to wonder if there might be a problem.   

Then we have the VAERS data reported earlier. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. This data has been gathered for decades. The last ten years of VAERS data shows only a few hundred adverse events per year for ALL vaccines COMBINED. The first 8 months of this year alone COVID vaccines ALONE account for over 4k adverse events.  

VAERS data for the last ten years shows annual vaccine deaths for all vaccines COMBINED never even reaches 200. So far this year alone it is over 8k DEATHS. For covid vaccines ALONE.   

Then there is the evidence from Israel and the US. All the various strains are mapped out on a philogenetic tree across time in both countries. Did you watch that one? It shows clearly the rapid expansion in mutations that occurred in both countries immediately upon accelerated vaccine rollout. Israel is the most highly vaccinated country in the world. The mutation tree clearly shows more and faster variants in Israel than in the US.  

There is plenty of information out there, all leading to the same conclusions. All it takes is a little willingness to read through it all and think critically for yourself.  
I’m in the wait and see what happens camp, where I like to sojourn, while the World goes a bit crazy crazy crazy.
I am in the same boat my friend...

Deepest salutations to your soul...

You know full well that you linked to a site that is questionable. You are certainly intelligent and IIRC you work in healthcare.

My only point is that you don't have to link to BS websites to form your opinion. Its ok for you to choose to agree or disagree with any position from reputable websites. I will repeat, I could care less if someone has taken the vaccine or not. I could care less if someone voted, let alone for who. I simply can't for the life of me understand why all the posting of non-Audiogon related topics drives so many to the brink.
The President in a speech just said "We will get it done in 6 minutes, 6 days or 6 weeks". 6uild 6ack 6etter! Three-sixes???