Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

Those who implicitly trust CNN, MSN, BBC and many others, yeah Covid 19 may be a side story soon?

Covid might be the least of our worries..
Anyone in here clever enough to explain what happens when the USA cannot pay it's debts?  Do taxes go up?
USA becomes a third World country?

Fortunately Biden is the most popular and most voted for President in American history, hopefully for good reason.
Build Back Better, well he'd better get cracking on that, he's making more work for himself. Man are you guys so lucky he's got a plan, because if it was just bovine excrement to get elected, it's gonna hit the fan pretty quick!


The good news is that congress will most certainly expand the debt ceiling at zero hour. In other news, the supply chain will still be jammed. Makes it tough to impulse buy hifi gear.

I stopped wringing my hands years ago about things I couldn't control. I did some quick analysis in the early 1980's and figured I could either worry about inflation, interest rates, the national debt and the accompanying taxes OR I could be productive and happy in the pursuit of trying to earn it faster than they could spend it.

Whether I have or not remains to be seen but it has been alot more fun and pretty easy and low stress. No bitterness, no conflict, almost a zen kindofa thing. Others get to choose how they live their limited days here...I choose mine. I was never much for apocalyptic BS at church or in life and I've made it a point over the years not to hire those who dwell on it. Love my work, love my music, love my is good.
So the debt ceiling just keeps going up until??
The Great Depression II ?

What are you talking about?

There is no conspiracies with central banks, and no conspiracy to reset the control they supposedly have already on another level...No conspiracy here ....

Bill gates dont own the most amount of agricultural land in the states and there is no link between this fake news and his ownership of health industries around the world and no link about his massive investment in news controls and ownership...He is a pure philantropist...

Are you all lunatics in this thread?

For example this guy is nut and is certainly a conspirationist....He is banned from all news or youtube and others journals around US...Listen to the english video at the end of this french new page....

He is a very rich tech guy who invest his money with an analysis of the VAERS system and he claim that the number of deaths by mass vaccination is astronomical and prove it without any critic being able to debunk him even when he offer one million dollars to prove him wrong....He is nut simple, because doing that with all the necessary work  and contradicting all official experts is proof that he is for sure a fool....A rich one with a dedicated aim but a nut....

I miss the days when we speak only of cable directionality here....😁