What did I do??

Today I sold a pair of Wilson Sophia Speakers.

I ordered a pair of Tekton Design Moab Speakers.

Am I going to be disappointed? 
Perhaps your wife wanted a challenge when she married you…did she succeed?

You’re fortunate to have a approving wife.

Your OP seems to ask us what your personal preferences are in the future (when the Tekton is hooked up) which is unanswerable. But your later post describing what you like/dislike about the Wilsons gave me a clue to what you’re looking for. I would guess you’ll find the Tektons to be more musical to your liking. 
@ blkwrxwgn    Yes, what a shame.  There are some great members on this site-----and a few that focus destructive rather than constructive posts.  In any event, feel free to PM me if I might be of assistance to you.  I am curious to hear your thoughts on your current speakers and what you are looking for.  I had a brief stint with on OB design by EP.  Ultimately, they were were replaced by Tekton Electron SE's. Much like my DI's, these have been able to afford me something that is too often elusive in this hobby--contentment.  

Suspect the OP is in for a pleasant surprise.  
“ My wife by the way, was pleasantly surprised. And several other women who have seen them think they look just fine. “

Well... taking into consideration that your wife in some part chose yourself as a mate . We may safely discount any and all of her sensibilities...
Interesting tsushima1, why did you delete your post earlier today and then re-post the same thing above?

 - Take it with a grain of salt, after all tsushima1 is from across the pond.