Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

Its going to be ok, take a deep breath. Are you doing those things you can to secure your financial future, bring joy to others and to bring joy to yourself? Are you getting outdoors and enjoying some physical activity? Are you eating well?

You are going to be fine if you are doing the things I mention above. Enjoy life...its a gift.
Here i must admit that you are right...

I am not completely nut you know...

But sometimes something must be said...

I wish you the best and thanks for the advice...

Nobody can change the world...If he dont change itself first.... I will go cycling many hours tomorrow....

I can't substantiate this as fact, although my research indicate's such: Hillary's father is David Rockefeller. Bill's father is Winthrop Rockefeller, (also a Gov. of Arkansas) That is why Chelsea was not  fathered by Bill. Zuckerberg's grandfather is David Rockefeller. High officials and such are "Put In" not necessarily elected. Research Gates' family. Look up Fauci's BAD involvement with HIV. Need more??