It's too bad that I cannot conveniently hear these equipment for now. Yet from the purely financial angle, it seems to make sense that the CDS3 would have an edge. Both Linn and Meridian spend their effort not just on CD but the multichannel decoding. Whereas CDS3 is a dedicated CD player. On the other hand, how would you compare the CDS3 with the 800 and Unidisk 1.1 on soundstage performance? Do I guess correctly that the 1.1 performs the best when it comes to soundstage?
Regarding the natural sound decay, is it reasonable to parallel what you said to Chesky vs Linn classical recording. Chesky definitely keeps you interested, while Linn has the frothiness, open aire bloom.
Thirdly, Stereophile suggests that the 800 has more punch while the 1.1 has more aire. Would you agree with that assessment? Is this a serious or a subtle difference between the 2 pieces?
Finally how significantly different, sound-wise, between the XPS2 and the upgraded 555PS?
Regarding the natural sound decay, is it reasonable to parallel what you said to Chesky vs Linn classical recording. Chesky definitely keeps you interested, while Linn has the frothiness, open aire bloom.
Thirdly, Stereophile suggests that the 800 has more punch while the 1.1 has more aire. Would you agree with that assessment? Is this a serious or a subtle difference between the 2 pieces?
Finally how significantly different, sound-wise, between the XPS2 and the upgraded 555PS?