Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

Since you have managed to create an audio system that brings you joy for around $500, you are to be commended. I have a question for you. If you had an extra $500 today to enahnce your system, how would you spend it?

Let’s have a little fun dreaming ok?
Thanks to you for changing this subject matter....Indeed...

First when the system is already "relatively" very well embedded in his 3 working dimensions:mechanical,electrical and acoustical , it is the moment that we could upgrade because now we know the potential optimal S.Q. of our actual audio system...We are then ready to assess a real improvement...

Second i am there at this moment for 6 months already and i already calculated the sum of money necessary to reach a real upgrade of my audio system, not a change.... 😎

Third with 500 bucks it will be near impossible at least very difficult  to reach a real upgrade sorry , only a slight improvement if i choose ready made tweaks(but i never bought ready made tweaks i create mine at low cost)

I cannot change my Sansui AU7700 with 500 bucks for a better amplifier...It will be very difficult even if it is for sure possible.... This amplifier is legendary... I choose it after years or analysis on all audio thread...The ratio S.Q. /price is over the roof... The flexibility of the amplifier controls of great quality exist no more on any more modern amplifier...( i even bought another Sansui of the alpha series which is supposed to be better and trust me it is different and marvellous but better no, it cost me the same price than all my 3 basic actual components) i keep it in case....

For my dac, i own  a NOS french design battery dac TDA 1543 by Christophe Mariac, i purchase 20 bucks new on an Ebay bet 5 years ago ( the same model is sold more than 600 bucks i think now by the designer) It is also a piece i purchase after years of analysis of all audio threads...The SQ/price ratio is out of this world... To beat him i know what to buy....One of the better NOS dac available now by Denafrips but at a cost which is really high...

My speakers cost me 40 bucks us dollars used....Mission Cyrus 781....They are so good in bass department that i never use my subwoofer at all... The refinement of these british speakers and their price ratio is very good but not over the roof like my 2 others components...

I already owned better speakers but they were too big for my desk.... The Tannoy dual gold concentric , i sold them after 45 years more than 1000 bucks each pair....But the Mission Cyrus do the job being totally well embedded by me... The Tannoy even if they are better speakers were never well embedded in my room then the Mission were not far behind them in real S.Q. after i created my mechanical,electrical and acoustical controls ....

I calculated that my first upgrading piece would be and must be the speakers.... But it is a problem because the Mission are already very good...It is the only piece of my audio system i would be afraid to update because of doubts toward the new unknown upgrading speakers... Remember that i could not listen what i will buy BEFORE i will buy it.... There is better speakers but which one and at which price?

I calculated that i need more than 12,000 bucks, more  around 15,000 to really upgrade my 3 actual components... A Berning ZOTL amplifier will beat my Sansui....The best Denafrips NOS dac will not deceive me after the little french miraculous dac either...

For the speakers my upgrading choice is not fixed save it will cost at least 5000 bucks to crush the well embedded  Mission....

Then i will use the 500 bucks upgrade money on my ebike sorry ....😁😊I apologize for that ....

By the way i read no more any review about new products in audio....After 7 years of improvement, a little step after the other, my system give me complete satisfaction even so imperfect it is compared to some others here ...I know it is impossible for many to trust my opinion... The reason is simple: almost all people dont know, because they have not lived through this experience and experiments, how far could an audio system go in S.Q. improvement if it is a well embedded one especially acoustically...They dont know that because if they are frustrated by their actual system they dont embed it with the rightdevices controls in the 3 working dimensions but they BUY AN UPGRADE for a piece of their system... They will never know what is the real S.Q. potential of what they already own....

The reason why i dont read any more reviews is simple:

My motto is : dont upgrade anything before embeddings it rightfully in his 3 working dimensions...

After that even an upgrade could be less tempting...

It is so true i smile to any audio system "better" than mine here and there exist plenty of them here...

But when all is optimally controlled with a basic good system, the piano sound like a real piano and fill my room completely.... Why changing that? i listen to Bill Evans now without be bothered by the lack in S.Q. on any acoustic count: imaging, soundtstage, Timbre rendition, listener envelopment, source width ratio, bass, high frequencies details etc.....There is always better for sure....But good could be enough if all acoustic aspects are under controls at will....I learned so much in ly listening experiments for years i can now install any audio system in my small room and change the S.Q. with a straw or a piece of empty cardboeard roll of toilet paper or paper towel....My mechanical equalizer is made of plumber discarded pipes and other materials coming from the dumpster or from my basement.... Acoustic science is not bothered by the "price" paid for the materials....😁😊😊

I listen music now not so less to "sounds controls"and contribute no more to my own thread here "miracles in audio... "

My deepest respect to you....Thanks for your help....
Very cool, have you prioritized the order of things? Are there any intermediate steps toward your goal that are financially within reach right now?
I cannot say that it is impossible to upgrade my system for 500 bucks...

It is very possible...

But i dont know with what and how at the time being.....This is a low amount of money not sufficient to beat most of my relatively well embedded components actual S.Q. significantly now...

It is possible for sure, but i dont know how to do it and i dont know which components will be way better than mine at this 500 bucks price level....

Something exist that can do it , unbeknown to me, but i dont bother to look after it.... I listen instead in awe to my next to 10,000 cd and music files..... :)

Music has NEVER be so good in all my life compared to any system i ever listen to with my friends....Be it a Tannoy system, a Quad system, or a Magnepan system...Acoustic science can improve anything to a very high level unbeknonwst to most...Remember that  what people  call "tweaks", AKA secondary artefacts even if they are costly sometimes, thiese embeddings devices controls which are for me ESSENTIAL, more sometimes than the choice of any component, then instead of being secondary they are primordial for reaching top S.Q. with any relatively good components....They are not "tweaks" in the usual meaning of this word in audio thread, like a slight addition to an already very good system in the mind of most people...

My embeddings controls are so powerful to improve S.Q. of my system then calling them "tweaks" made no sense to me....No sellers of costly gear will never admit that truth.... Anyway for example, for any speakers at any price the acoustic passive and active controls make a world of difference.... But you cannot sell 100,000 bucks speakers and says to the customer that he will never listen to them really save if reorganized acoustically his room....😁😊People buy components upgrade to solve a problem not to create a new difficult one... And acoustic was a tough nut to crack with one year of listening experiments for me, few hours each day....You know what i means? most people prefer to buy a new pair of speakers.... More easy....

My device controls are not secondary element "tweaks" compared to the primary components.... A mechanical equalizer can synergyze the relation between any speakers and room by a modification of the zones pressure of the room.... Is it a tweak? No it is an absolutely indispensable tool for a bad square small room like mine... My speakers are repleacable and upgradable....But my mechanical equalizer will stay in my room, i will only mechanically adjust it for the new speakers properties and workings in my specific room....

Give me 15,000 bucks and i am sure that it will be an upgrade if i change my 3 components....

From under 500 bucks to 15,000 bucks upgrade, this necessary move could give to people here an idea about the power of embeddings controls in the three working dimension of a low cost audio system....

But after 20 years of dream about Hi-FI, and my retirement from work, but no money to buy what i would have bought , i had 8 years ago only dreams...

My journey begins with a small step in modifications of all my 7 pairs of headphones 8 years ago.... I succeed... But my system is so good now that i never listen to any headphones now even my Stax one.... That gives you an idea....

Creating a good audio system dont cost money, it takes listening experiments....Thats all.....
People have no idea that acoustic could be so powerful in helping any good system to reach the sky...( add to the acoustical controls the mechanical and electrical controls to be sure)

I just read someone post here in another thread who think that a good audio system must cost 100,000 bucks...

Do you think that this guy will trust me about my under 500 bucks system marvellous sound thanks to my homemade mechanical equalizer created with discarded junk materials?

Hell no!....

I dont even believe myself looking at my room...

I believe myself when i listen to a brass orchestra filling my room the sound coming not between the speakers but outside of them completely with each disctinct instrument timbre...

For sure a 100,000 bucks system will be " better" in specs and possibilities...But believe me i dont need it , and dont even dream about it anymore....

I say all that for those audiophiles here with no money....There is hope i can assure you....

Try it now , Empire Brass ensemble the music of "Gabrieli "

When some music sound good, really good, you forget sound.....

«Sometimes less is better than more»-Anonymus Smith

« Sometimes perhaps! But you are wrong speaking about my erectile function tough»- Groucho Marx 🤓