The extinction of human interaction takes yet another step forward...

I hate even thinking this, but as we “progress” in “society” it sure seems like each step “forward” brings us closer and closer to becoming the “Borg” from Star Trek where everything happens in your head and personal interaction becomes less necessary and thus more foreign.  I hope this stops or at least slows down at some point and the value of human interaction surfaces as something we want to preserve.  I find it sad, however, that this seems more of a hope than an eventuality the way things are going everywhere — even in audio.  Ugh.  Thoughts?

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The Times they are ah changing. I see no reason not to support an online tradeshow of this nature. Did or is this displacing a known audio show?
I think that's a good observation, but let's zoom out by another factor:  how about audio recordings, listened in the privacy of one's own home, also removing one from social interaction with other audiophiles, and the performers, themselves?  
We are mammals, not cyborgs, and no amount of computer hardware can change that salient fact.

Nor should it ever try to for the consequences would be dire.

Having said that, there's no reason why software based online Hi-Fi shows can't co-exist alongside hardware based actual ones in the same way that pornography can substitute for sex.

We all have needs and thankfully there's a place for both.