Interested in hearing about tube rolling experiences with the Orchid and other MHDT dacs, namely, the specific comparative sonic characteristics of the various 396a, 5670 and other compatible tubes used in the output buffer. My only experience is with the WE396a that Linear Tube Audio installed in my new Orchid.
My Orchid should arrive in the next week or so... I've purchased the Bendix 2C51, which has arrived. I see 2C51 printed on the side. Is there any reason to believe this will perform differently than those marked with 6385, and can anyone comment on the qualities of the Bendix 2C51 in the Orchid? Any reason I shouldn't rest here for a while?
Just wanted to say thanks for the helpful info. I left the stock tube powered on for a few days, but I never really warmed up to it. I’m not sure exactly what was missing, maybe just a bit thin. But a handy (and well made) adapter with an NOS Amperex 6DJ8 fixed whatever it was. Together it still cost less than the tube upgrade LTA was offering. (And it looks like they raised their base prices right after I ordered.)

My other DAC is a Chord Qutest and I expected with 2 very different approaches, I would have a clear favorite. So far that just isn’t the case. I might need to devote several hundred hours of careful listening to fully investigate. Sure would be handy if someone else could just figure out my preferences for me so I can just listen to music instead. 

Sure would be handy if someone else could just figure out my preferences for me so I can just listen to music instead.
This is so true.  I love the hunt but at the same time get so frustrated.  I guess that's why dealers are great for most people.  Give them a budget, tell them what you like and they put a few systems together that they already know work. You then choose. No faffing about with tube adapters (I didn't even know they were a thing before I got my Balanced Pagoda) and 50 tube choices. BTW, I like the Amperex you have the best of the 3 I've tried.  I also have GE 5670W's and Tesla E88CC's.

+1 @zm108

Just (I mean I'm two albums in) installed the 5670 to 6922 adapter.  Great sound and I'm using a lot less expensive tube than the WE D getter.

What do people do with their old 5670 collection?

here is my tube rolling experience w/ MHDT Orchid. (before & after mods by Grannyring)

Before mod:-

I had some OS 6SN7s laying around & NOS Tung Sol & Sylvania 2C51

Sylvania 2C51 sounded better...but not something I wanted to live with.

I got adapter from Garage1217....

Of all the 6sn7s..Sylvania Jan CHS 6sn7WGT was the best ...a bit flat, but something I can live with and enjoy the music.

But wanted to see if I can get better sound out of Orchid.   After talking with 2 people, who offer mods for Orchid, I decided to use Grannyring.   He was willing to tweak his mod to suite my music listening preference (cannot have bright sound at all)

After receiving the mod:-

1) The order of preference for 6Sn7s changed.

Tung-Sol UCn-CTL-6sn7wgta sounded better (more relaxed) than SYlvania.

2) Also the Sylvania 2C51 sounded much better.

almost seemed like the mod was specific to make 2C51 sound better.

So I tired the following 2C51/5670 family tubes

CBS 2C51 (not 5670...2C51 etched in glass)  THE BEST SOUND FOR ME
GE 5670 5 star (white letters)
GE JG-5670
Raytheon 5670WA  (3D w/o emotion)
Raytheon JAn-5670  (3D w/o emotion)
GE JG-5670WA
GE 5670 5 star (red letters)
Tung-Sol JTL-5670WA
Tung-Sol 2C51
Sylvania 2C51
Motorola 5670 (same internals as CBS 2C51.....someone mentioned, made by CBS for motorola)...NOT 3D for sure
So reading that 6DJ8/6922 family is best....I got adapter again & tried following tubes
Amperex Bugle Boy (Holland 6dj8)
Amperex Orange Globe (Holland 6dj8)
Hewlett Packard (Holland 6dj8)
GE (6922 Britain)
RCA (holland 6dj8)...comes closest to CBS...however sound stage is a bit smaller & mid range is a bit thin (BUT can surely live with it)
I would love to try WE396a or equivalent & Siemens CCA 6922 or equivalent...Any one in los angeles area that has these we can try together..