Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Though that’s common knowledge to most, never underestimate the youth…

I’m surprised MYSELF when I get down and dirty with the questioning, the answers that lie. 

@oldhvymec, perfectly put 


My apologies if my post was taken in any way, shape or form as a solicitation to discuss theology on an audio site. It was actually to the contrary.

Personally i read the new testament like an acoustic book, instead of acoustic laws these are spritual laws...No need to have faith at all....Or call it a faith with brain power....

By the way what is lacking in mathematical description of acoustic is the perceptive feeling of our own room....We must use these 2 : mathematical equation and perceptive feeling.... Call it a sensation with brain power...

«Faith is also a sensation»-Anonymus Smith

«We can walk on water with faith or brain power»- Groucho Marx 🤓

I will give an exemple from the book:

«Give back to God what is To God and to Cesar what is to Cesar»

These words are litterally the reason and motivation behind the secularization of the political power and the separation of the church and the state in occidental world and finally the motivation of the free citizenship concept after the demise of the Roman sacred concept of the citizenship...
I then interpret the basic rule behind the social organization with these words....The spiritual, the political and the economic must be clearly distinguished and separated if we want to stay free citizen....It is the free citizen who work the distinction and nothing is imposed on his freddom to create, speak and interpret....
There is a Highway to Hell and a Stairway to Heaven. You are in the driver's seat.
The textual and editorial history of the "bible" is fascinating and I encourage everyone to delve into it, at least a little.

Here are some, err, facts.

No one knows who wrote the book of Daniel.
It is impossible to determine the degree of historical accuracy of that text.
We do not have the "original" manuscript (as is the case with all the books).  What we have in this case is cobbled together from later copies/translations written in Hebrew and Aramaic.
Translations into English and other languages of those later texts are very unreliable and often extremely misleading.

And don't get me started on the question of the apocrypha.