Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above

Two different animals, I know. I’ve read some pretty decent reviews on the Sota’s with the vacuum option and intrigued. We’re always looking for that little extra something, something. I’m interested in retrieving a bit more detail and upping the sound stage. 
Maybe this would be a lateral move? Maybe I should change my cart? Something else? Be happy and spin vinyl? Thanks for your feedback. 
Technics 1200G
Ortofon Cadenza Black
Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp
Audible Illusions L2 Line Stage
Levinson 532-H
B&W 803 D2 speakers
AQ McKenzie interconnects for phono

Ag insider logo xs@2xbfoura
Very few old records go in farther than 65mm.

If you want to know there are at least about 10mm of music on the record surface on most of the 45 rpm (’7 inch) singles, the song ends at 53-55mm from the spindle (not as far as 65mm). On average ’7 inch single pressed in the ’50s/60’s (I just measured some of mine) the last 10mm before lead out groove is 1/3 of a song and there is music.

Mr. Stevenson was a mathematician, I can’t explain why till the present day Japanese tonearm manufacturers prefer Stevenson (or very close to Steventon) geometry. There must be a reason, right ?

I do not share your taste in tonearms but a lot of other people do.

Of course they do, because you will hardly find any better tonearm than boron/titanium Technics EPA-100 mkII or Fidelity-Research FR-66fx. You have never tried them yet @mijostyn
For years I contemplated upgrading from my Gyrodec. I really like it’s airy lively sound. Last year my local dealer had one available SL-1210GAE so I bought it. The first cartridge I used was an Ortofon Cadenza bronze. Now I’m using a Kiseki purple heart and it sounds great to me. I’m using an SME 309 tonearm and Lyra kleos with the Gyrodec. My gut feeling tells me that I wouldn’t like the Kleos with the SL-1210GAE.
@jdal I’ve thought about the Purple Heart and the Kleos. There seems to be more reviews/feedback on the Purple Heart versus the Kleos. What makes you think you wouldn’t like the Kleos on the 1210? With the removable headshell why haven’t you tried it on the 1210? 
@bfoura One of these days I probably will switch cartridges on both tables. The only cartridge that I used with both tables was the Cadenza bronze. To my ears it sounded slightly leaner with the SL-1210. 
@chakster , I do not play, and I would venture to guess most of us do not play 7" singles. That is a non issue for most of us.
Those tonearms are terrible. Because of their mass they have much higher levels of inertia and distortion, they are not neutral balance and their vertical bearings are high above the record surface. They are very pretty and have an air of precision about them. An SME V will handily trounce them all not to mention such arms as your Reed and my Schroder. Those arms were by products of the late 60s. Everybody except the Japanese have moved on. If you need a tank tonearm get a Kuzma 4 Point 14. 
Stevenson may have been a mathematician but in todays world his theory is wrong. Modern cartridges and styluses have much less difficulty with the inner grooves and all you have to do is look at the data. It is pretty obvious that Stevenson has the highest levels of error across the board.
The only time Stevenson might make sense is if you are running an SPU in one of those tank tonearms. You would then be replicating the conditions Stevenson knew. 
A picture tells a thousand words