Schiit Lokius anyone?

Good luck! Quincy. Hope you get some satisfaction. I know someone else that recently (minus the hum issue) had the same experience as you with their Loki+: Long wait to get the unit, it ran hot, and took multiple attempts before finally getting an RA. Not sure what’s going on with Schiit.

FWIW, and not to be an apologist for Schiit, - the Lokius is completely silent (even though in proximity to a power conditioner) and only runs warm, not at all hot. If the Loki+ hasn’t turned you off completely, maybe be an option if you still want an equalizer. Nicely effective unit.

Totally agree with ghosthouse, if you can swing it I would go for the Lokius.  Great unit, mine is on all the time and barely warm.  
Thank you guys for your review on this unit. I´m pretty interested in an EQ very simply to be used, as I have a krell amplifier which is absolutely great, but it does not have Tone Controls, and sometimes in some songs, I would like to have the possibility of touching them a bit.

Hi ebm, really? did you have the chance to test it with your gear? I´ve read good things about it, not only here. Thanks.