I treated the analog side of my system. I have been progressively treating the connections in my stereo system with the NPS-1260. It is a very tiny bottle but seems to go a long way. I treated the pins of the phono cartridge, the DIN connector and RCA's of my phono cable. I immediately noted increased clarity and space in the sound stage. Then after 5 days I treated the two circuit breakers and receptacles of my dedicated power circuits. I didn't expect much from that but to my surprise the bass was clearer and tighter. I played my Stanley Clark CD which has gobs of bass. I know the first track very well because I have been using that track for months to improve my room setup for bass response. I heard improvement in the bass playing that CD. So in a couple of weeks I will play that track again to look for any changes. Overall, this stuff does some good. The most noticeable changes to me were the first application to the speaker cables on the amp side, then the phono cables and then the power lines. Adding the AQ Niagara Power Conditioner had a much bigger impact, of course. The NPS-1260 could be akin to changing out cables with the exception of the 20 amp circuits and the phono cartridge. I'm planning to treat the pins on all of my vacuum tubes next. It's a lot of work- wah wah...