Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@lhasaguy - I am not Covid "vaccinated", however as I am reasonably well traveled, and have visited third world countries, it was later in life I had my polio shot, as well as diphtheria, typhoid and pertussis and tetanus and hepatitis A and B if I recall correctly, just to go to Nepal and Thailand. I also took any shots required to enter the US as a permanent resident, that I hadn’t already taken, which I paid for out of pocket. I have traveled no less than 30 countries around the globe, quite a few were not Westernised.

It was because of doctors who questioned, and since the initial questions on both the contents and some emerging reactions that have over time had me weigh up on waiting to see before getting the nontraditional vaccine.
Obviously the definition has changed to include the newer ones, I was always under the impression that a vaccine was intended to invoke an immune response that resulted in a natural immunity?

To call me an anti-vaxxer would be inaccurate. However as I have caution and reservations in the swiftness and lack of empirical data over time on this relatively new injectable technology, I am cautious.

My wife is a dental hygienist, and is in a network with front line workers, we are talking about the highest risk of Covid infection here. These people who are personally involved, have reached out to others and are claiming heavy censorship. Doctors are claiming heavy censorship also, as a student of history it make me cautious and even concerned.

Patterns of human behavior and history do have a readable tell tale signature, and it’s easy to be oblivious to it. There are quite a few of us, that are seeing some red flags here, and have taken the time to write about it, in a thread that was started which directly is related to the Sars Cov 2 virus and it’s impact in current life, including audiophile related conferences etc.

Agoners don’t hold guns to forum members heads to read about vinyl if they’re into digital, or digital if they’re stricktly into vinyl - please feel free to not get involved in this discussion.
Refreshing sanity....

Thanks rix....
“please feel free to not get involved in this discussion”

I wish I had done so…but what’s done is done. Many more thoughtful contributes than I here. 

This will be the last post for me in any discussion for a long while…



CAF has been growing larger every year except in these Covid times. It is in no way the size of Axpona but I’ve heard more than one person say they liked it better because it’s not as crowded. A couple of years ago it was almost 90 rooms. You can expect 50 rooms of audio this year.
pretty clear the site moderator does not actively police these opinion boards.  They clearly allow inflammatory posts to stay up a long time.  And allow posts degrading others to stay up.  And allow posts filled with qanon garbage conspiracy theories to proliferate and be amplified.  

This is supposed to be an AUDIO site.  not a place for political activism.  

Yes, sometimes posts and threads get removed after enough complaints are sent to the moderator.  But clear there is no active observation and policing of comments.  

Audio folks!  or are you too brainwashed to remember that basic fact?
I ask censorship for insults ONLY.....

Any free speech articulated around any subject are welcome....

Audio is related to all others area of my life and i come here for friendship not only for audio precise information...Many come here for audio precise information ONLY, those are free to read or not any posts and quit... But i made some friends which are of very different opinions between themselves here and i WANT to read them NON CENSORED....

Is it clear?

Fanaticism of those who can skip a post they dont like but instead ask for his removal and complete moderation censorship appall me....I am not a sleepwalker in life....

Posts which are expression of whatever opinions if articulated are not hate graffitis which we must erase....

And blindness is not my full time job.....Keep this work for you....

ONLY THE USUAL "HARMLESS" FANATIC PLEAD CENSORSHIP AT ALL COST......I prefer free and wiser friend even and especially if they had complete other opinion than mine...I am a grown free man....