Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Here you go. This should keep you guys busy for a while, and provide some more material for your latest theory.
Why pushing non verified facts or non scientifically explained one AS AN ARGUMENT to mock all other PROVEN accusation of malfaisance and conspiracy ? ( by the way the content of the vaxxes are not described nor explained and this is a FACT)

This only reveal your own gullability which is only a bit different from the one who will trust any unproven fact or any proven fact distorted from his context.....Because search for truth is not a " pro-vaxx at all cost" matter nor an " anti-vaxx at all cost" matter...

Why not becoming intelligent and search truth instead of pushing the buttons : "there is no conspiracy" or "the button all is conspiracy"...

Why not pushing the button : " here we think".....

lancelock, though it's a little longer drive for me than Axpona I may have to give it a shot. I would like to get out of my audio cocoon.

"Fanaticism of those who can skip a post they dont like but instead ask for his removal and complete moderation censorship appall me....I am not a sleepwalker in life...."

Many great lines, I especially liked that last one.

"I am not a sleepwalker in life"
twoleftears, the warnings about the truth are all out there within easy access. Those that don't want to know the truth, will in time when it's too late, believe me. I can find online where it say's the moon is made of cheese. That doesn't make it so.