Cost to Rewire a Tonearm?

I need to have a tonearm re-wired, with litz wire.

I am just wondering what others have paid to have pros to do it for them ____ ?

thanks, Elliott
If we are talking $1500, I completely agree with you, Chak.  On the other hand, I would want an experienced pro to do the job for me, if I were to farm it out to someone else. (I can do it myself, too.)  So a really qualified tech here in the US might charge $100 per hour or a bit more, with the wire costing extra.  I think to do the job carefully, assuming a tonearm of average difficulty, might require 2 hours, but of course that is very dependent upon the construction of the tonearm, and if the tech has done dozens of that particular tonearm, then the work would go much faster. 1500 bucks is very crazy, indeed.
Rewiring a tonearm is not child's play but close. They are not complicated devices. It is difficult to believe so many audiophiles are uncomfortable with a task like this. 
chakster, everyone

the tonearm is the one on the right side of photo #8 in my system shown here

It’s the one chakster advised me not to buy.

I dropped it off with Steve and Ray at VAS earlier today. Picked up the Cayin they biased for me. Except for the unprotected wire, they were impressed by it, especially liked the micrometer for VTA.

They showed me a nice VPI junction box to use that will fit inside the dust cover and have a mini connector input/rca out: easily remove the arm. I asked them to paint over the text, change the ugly screws to black allen head. yes, yes, of course.