Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
This study is not open to interpretation, so unless you are saying that these numbers are fraudulent, this "IS" the correlation between vaccine uptake and...Deaths, Cases and Hospitalizations.
You are right thanks...

But a lunatic is blind to reason...

All is black or white for him,like some poster illustrate it...

They cannot imagine that in a pandemy vaxx and treatment could be necessary and work together,the 2 of them...

They say UNTRUTH fact without remorse like vaxx are completely safe , speaking of a new technology with long term effects nobody knows about...( i will not debate the adverse events numbers)

Why not using vaxx cautiously with a transparent record of information and promoting existing treatment without censoring them at the same time?

Ask yourself the question why?

Why fears were used like a tool at a massive scale in all medias?

Why debates in science are censored now? A french canadian journalist was in the obligation to retire from Radio Canada after being reprimanded because he speak with a world famous virologist who was treating people with HQC Didier Raoult....

Why tweeter and youtube and others corporation can decide now by themselves if a scientist like Malone the creator of the mRMA vaxx. or Montagnier Nobel winner must be gagged?

If you have minimal common sense you must ask these questions...

Repeating that MRNA vaccines are so safe that for example even young children could be vaccinated is CORPORATE PROPAGANDA not science...

@mahgister They keep defending untested experimental vaccines made by some of the most corrupt Pharmaceutical companies on the face of the planet. Pfizer, J&J are repeat offenders and have been convicted of all kinds of fraud.
It’s not a question of evidence anymore, they have made this a political issue, and it’s about owning the "Trumptards", and they will sacrifice their own kids to prove the point.
It’s a cult.

Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.

Straight from the NIH.
God certainly understands the dead, so many of them for just a “ hoax “……
The covid disease is not a hoax.... Suggesting that anybody here has say that is despicable sorry...

And trying to provoke some politicized  idiots here that will claim that the virus does not exist is useless ...

Say somethning wise or stay mute....Dont play with provocation...

I dont like "vaxx all  at all cost " people and "anti vaxx at all cost"  people...

AND All vaxx are not made the same and dont come from the same bag, sorry...

A polio virus is not a coronavirus...Vaxx here dont play the same game...

I like reason...
This has been the best seat in the house for days…..

Better than the SWEET SPOT for sure, that gets a little stale from time to time.

I’m sorry, I had to
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